Monday, March 11, 2024

Topics for the 1st Spring 2024 ENG 102 Research Essay

 Leave No Trace: An Ethical Argument
Cheerleading is a Sport

Animal testing has played a crucial role in scientific research for years, but due to ethical concerns, technological advancements, and the development of alternative methods, it is outdated and unnecessary. Discoveries have recently provided evidence of dams having a large negative impact on aquatic diversity, climate change, geologic features, and water quality.  Artificial Dyes: The Hidden Symptoms 
A Gun Epidemic: The Need for Responsible Gun Ownership Requirements 
Increase in Government Support for Families 
Theory of multiple intelligences: What does it mean to be “intelligent” and the impact of the diverse intelligences on learning. 
Poverty in America: A Call for Change and Empowerment
The Dangers of Substance Abuse: Benzodiazepines and Opioids
The Importance of Relationships
It is important to embrace technology as a catalyst for education and to shape a future where every individual can access the best education possible and thrive in the digital world. 

The Effects, Causes, and Treatments of Alcoholism 
Mental Depression: Causes and Treatments

Women’s Sports: The Fight and Struggle to Achieve Gender Equality 
The collegiate transfer portal should be limited to a one-time entrance within an academic career as it disrupts team development by presenting challenges for recruitment, player retention, and team loyalty 
The ongoing decline of our oceans threatens marine biodiversity and the balance of the entire global ecosystem
Creativity and AI
A Defense of Motorcycle Cultures 

The Importance and Necessity of Fusion Power 
The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence 
Standardized Testing: Education’s Shackles
Climate Unveiled: Navigating the Impact of Global Change 
Project MK-ULTRA: Lives of the Individuals vs. National Security
Structural Analysis of Racism
M1 Carbines have a lot of American pride in them, from design to manufacture, if you have a healthy level of patriotism or national pride, they are a neat physical representation of those ideas.
Need to Train More Students in the Trades - Benefits to The Students and Society
The Rise of Parasocial Relations in Our Networked Society: Good or Bad? 

Alcohol: How It Destroys Minds, Bodies, and Lives
Video Games: The Cultural Impact of Gaming 
Music: More Than Just Pretty Sounds 
Alabama Parole Board Intentionally Denies “Minimum Custody” Prisoners to Sustain Work for Lease Program (Work Release)
Negative Aspects of Social Media Usage 
An Exploration of Ergodic Literature 
Stigma in Autistic Individuals and How One Movement Called It Out 
look into the way sound and silence in films can be used to portray femininity and masculinity.
Unveiling the Enduring Impact: Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and Men's Mental Health Trajectories
Finding the Right Solution for Trash Pollution
Psychedelic mushrooms: how microdosing can improve mental health
NIL: Fueling the Next Generation Student Athletes
Beyond Autonomy: Unraveling the Ethics of Assisted Suicide

Tongues of Fire: Conserving and Revitalizing Endangered Languages in the US and Globally 
Mandatory Draft for All Americans to Serve in the Military and to address a lack of patriotism
The Abstraction of War: Animation as a Means of Staging History
The 1994 genocide in Rwanda serves as a harsh warning of the horrors that can occur when hatred and discrimination go uncontrolled, and also as an individual whose family suffered this disaster, I can provide a perspective on how significant it was
How Being a Drug Addict Can Affect the Brain 
Dark Democracies: The Rise of the Modern Far Right 
We need to raise awareness, change habits and create policies for a more sustainable water usage future. 
The Effect of Isolation on Mental Health 
Current Risks Associated with AI Development
The Problem of Declining Monarch Butterfly Populations 
The study of ecology is crucial for contemporary citizens because it offers a deep understanding of the complex interactions that support life on our planet. 
Negative Aspects of Social Media Usage 
The Importance of Learning More Than One Language 
The Influence of Social Media Sites on Pro-Anorexia Messaging 
Why mushrooms are good for you
The Hubristic Age of A.I. 
A Tradition of Balance: The Ethical, Conservation, and Economic Dimensions of Hunting in American Society
Animal Testing: An Ethical Argument Against It
Social Media: The Impact on Social Relationships
Bong Joon-ho's Parasite: A Story of Greed
Fake foods: The call to action for American health 
The Continuing Effects of European Colonization in Oceania 
Revving Up America: The Enduring Impact of Muscle Cars 
Beyond Grades: Socio-Economic Forces Shaping Education 

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