Monday, November 7, 2022

ENG 102: Concepts, Theories, and Thinkers (Ongoing Archive)

Start here:
Ethical Reasoning 
A Guide for Developing Critical Skills for Thinking About the World
Shooting Azimuths 

Benton, Michael D. "The Power of Stories." The Ryan Watts Life Coaching Podcast (September 4, 2023) ["Great conversation about the psychology of our personal narratives and beyond. Michael Benton is an associate professor of humanities and film studies at Bluegrass Community and technical College in Lexington, Kentucky. Narrative Psychology focuses on how we perceive the events of our lives through stories. One of the most powerful ways we can experience transformation is by changing our stories. This can be done in many ways."]

Shooting Azimuths:

Andrew Huberman: Neuroscience/Health/Body & Mind

Bryan Stevenson: Lawyer/Equal Justice Initiative/The National Memorial for Peace and Justice

Cory Doctorow: Technology/Copyright Activist/Critic of Big Tech & Big Media/Science Fiction Author

Earl Fontainelle: Esotericism/Religion/Philosophy

Gabor Maté: Physician/Trauma/Addiction/Childhood Development/Stress

Hannah Arendt: Philosophy/History/Critical Thinking

Isabel Wilkerson: Journalism/History/Caste/Migration

John Bellamy Foster: Sociology/Political Economy/Ecology/Editor of Monthly Review

Jonathan Haidt: Social Psychology/Ethical Leadership/Moral & Political Psychology

Krista Tippett: On Being/Spirituality/Religion/Science/Philosophy

Like Stories of Old: Film Studies/Narratives/Mythology/Philosophy

Mark Blyth: International Political Economics

M.J. Dorian: Arts/Creativity/History

Noam Chomsky: Political Theory/Media Literacy/Political Economy/Linguistics

Paul Conti: Psychology/Healthcare/Trauma/Mental Health

Phil Ford and J.F. Martel: Weird Studies/Art/Culture/Esotericism

Rutger Bregman: History/Economics/Ethics

Stephen West: Philosophy/History

Wade Davis: Anthropology/Ethnobotany/Explorer

Subject Archives: Concepts and Theories


BCTC Lib Guides (Subject guides created by BCTC Librarians)

Economics/Political Economy/Business/Labor



Film Studies 





Legal Studies/Criminology/Law Enforcement 


New Books Network (Massive site of interviews with authors about their new books - check out topic sections on top)

Peace and Conflict Studies

Philosophy/Critical Theory 

Podcasts (my current list of favorites)

Political Theory/Sociology/Government 




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