Friday, February 24, 2023

Noam Chomsky: Political Theory/Media Literacy/Political Economy/Linguist (Shooting Azimuths)

Chomsky Info (Website)


Chomsky, Noam. "Activism, Anarchism and Power." Conversations with History (March 2002)

---. "Anarchism." (1976 interview with Peter Jay posted on YouTube)

---. "A Propaganda Model." (Excerpt from Manufacturing Consent: 1988)

---. Class Warfare. Pluto Press, 1996: 19-23, 27-31.

---. "Concision in the Media." Manufacturing Consent (1992: reposted on YouTube January 26, 2007)

---. "Condemns Israel’s Shift to Far Right & New 'Jewish Nation-State' Law." Democracy Now (July 30, 2018) ["Israel has passed a widely-condemned law that defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and gives Jews the sole right to self-determination. It also declares Hebrew the country’s only official language and encourages the building of Jewish-only settlements on occupied territory as a “national value.” The law has drawn international condemnation and accusations that Israel has legalized apartheid. For more we speak with world-renowned political dissident, author, and linguist Noam Chomsky. He is a laureate professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona and Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he taught for more than 50 years."]

---. "Democracy and Education"/Language and Politics. Dialogic [Excerpts posted November 29, 2009)

---. "The Emerging World Order." Unwelcome Guests #622 (September 22, 2012)

---. "Excerpt from The Kingdom of Survival." (Posted on Youtube: Slowboat Films, 2011)

---. "The Global Economic Crisis, Healthcare, US Foreign Policy and Resistance to American Empire." Democracy Now (April 13, 2009)

---. "In U.N. Speech, Noam Chomsky Blasts United States for Supporting Israel, Blocking Palestinian State." Democracy Now (October 22, 2014)

---. Language and Politics. AK Press, 2004. ["An enormous chronological collection of over fifty interviews conducted with Chomsky from 1968 to present day. Many of the pieces have never appeared in any other collection, some have never appeared in English, and more than one has been suppressed. This expanded edition contains fifty pages of brand new interviews. The interviews add a personal dimension to the full breadth of Chomsky's impressive written canon--equally covering his analysis in linguistics, philosophy, and politics. This updated, annotated, fully indexed new edition contains an extensive bibliography, as well as an intro-duction by editor Carlos Otero on the relationship between Chomsky's language and politics."]

---. "Language, Politics, and Composition." Journal of Advanced Composition 11.1 (1991)

---. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (Canada/Australia/Finland/Norway: Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick, 1992: 167 mins)

---. "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media."
(Speech  at University of Wisconsin – Madison, March 15, 1989)

---. Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda. Seven Stories Press, 1997.

---. "Noam Chomsky at United Nations: It Would Be Nice if the United States Lived up to International Law." Democracy Now ((October 22, 2014)

---. "Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change & the Undermining of Democracy Threaten Future of Planet." Democracy Now (April 12, 2019) ["As President Trump pulls out of key nuclear agreements with Russia and moves to expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal, Noam Chomsky looks at how the threat of nuclear war remains one of the most pressing issues facing mankind. In a speech at the Old South Church in Boston, Chomsky also discusses the threat of climate change and the undermining of democracy across the globe."]

---. "Occupy Wall Street "Has Created Something That Didn’t Really Exist" in U.S. — Solidarity." Democracy Now (May 14, 2012)

---. "On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 'Spectacular' Victory & Growing Split in Democratic Party." Democracy Now (July 27, 2018) ["The 2018 midterm election season has been roiled by the internal divisions between the Democratic Party’s growing progressive base and the more conservative party establishment. In New York City, this division came to a head with the most shocking upset of the election season so far, when 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez handily defeated 10-term incumbent Representative Joe Crowley, the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House. Ocasio-Cortez ran a progressive grassroots campaign as a Democratic Socialist advocating for “Medicare for All” and the abolition of ICE. For more on her victory and what it means for the Democratic Party, we speak with Noam Chomsky, world-renowned political dissident, linguist."]

---. "On BDS and How the Israeli Occupation is 'Much Worse Than Apartheid.'" Democracy Now (August 11, 2014)

---. "On Corporate Personhood." (8 minute video in which he answers a question at a public presentation on April 22, 2011)

---. "On Education & How Manufacturing Consent Brought Attention to East Timor Massacres." Democracy Now (December 3, 2013)

---. "On Media’s "Shameful Moment" in Gaza & How a U.S. Shift Could End the Occupation." Democracy Now (August 11, 2014)

---. "On the Basic Role of (Non-Participatory) Sports." Dialogic (Excerpts of Chomsky quote published in Robert F. Barsky's The Chomsky Effect: November 5, 2009)

---. "On Trump’s Disastrous Coronavirus Response, Bernie Sanders & What Gives Him Hope." Democracy Now (April 10, 2020) ["How did the United States — the richest country in the world — become the worldwide epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, with one person dying of COVID-19 every 47 seconds? We spend the hour with Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author, discussing this unprecedented moment in history, and its political implications, as Senator Bernie Sanders announces he is suspending his campaign for the presidency. Chomsky also describes how frontline medical workers and progressive organizing are giving him hope."]

---. "On WikiLeaks, Obama’s Targeted Assassinations and Latin America’s Break from the U.S." Democracy Now (May 14, 2012)

---. "Palestinian Hunger Strike a Protest Against "Violations of Elementary Human Rights." Democracy Now (May 14, 2012)

---. "The Propaganda Model." Chomsky' Philosophy (Posted on Youtube: 2015)

---. "The Purpose of Education." (Video posted on YouTube: February 1, 2012)

---. "'Sadistic & Grotesque': ... on How Israel Limits Food & Medicine in Occupied Gaza." Democracy Now (August 11, 2014)

"The State-Corporate Complex: A Threat to Freedom and Survival." Chomsky Info (April 7, 2011)

---. “This is the Most Remarkable Regional Uprising that I Can Remember” Democracy Now (February 2, 2011)

---. "Trump Radically Interfered with Israel’s Election to Help Re-elect Netanyahu." Democracy Now (April 12, 2019) ["Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is headed to a record fifth term in office after narrowing defeating former military chief Benny Gantz. In a discussion with Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky talks about how President Trump directly interfered with the Israel election by repeatedly helping Netanyahu, from moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem to recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights in defiance of international law."]

---. "The United States, Not Iran, Poses Greatest Threat to World Peace." Democracy Now (September 22, 2015)

---. "US Expansion of Afghan Occupation, the Uses of NATO, and What Obama Should Do in Israel-Palestine." Democracy Now (April 3, 2009)

---. "We Must Confront the 'Ultranationalist, Reactionary' Movements Growing Across Globe."Democracy Now (April 12, 2019)

Chomsky, Noam and Glenn Greenwald. "No Place to Hide." (Posted on Youtube: August 10, 2014)

Chomsky, Noam and Robert Trivers. "The anti-war activist and MIT linguist meets the Rutgers evolutionary biologist in the Seed Salon to discuss deceit." (September 6, 2006)

Crowmwell, David and David Edwards. "Snowden, Surveillance And The Secret State." Media Lens (June 28, 2013)

Fisk, Robert. "On the CIA 'Torture Report': Once again language is distorted in order to hide US state wrongdoing." The Independent (December 14, 2014)

Gondry, Michel. "Animating Noam Chomsky: French Director Michel Gondry on New Film Is the Man Who is Tall Happy?" Democracy Now (December 3, 2013)

Hasan, Mehdi. "The Noam Chomsky Interview." Deconstructed (October 31, 2019) ["Legendary linguist, activist, and political theorist Noam Chomsky has been speaking out against U.S. interventionism from Vietnam to Latin America to the Middle East since the 1960s. He’s the most cited author alive, but you won’t see him on the nightly news or in the pages of most major newspapers. On this week’s Deconstructed, Chomsky sits down with Mehdi Hasan to discuss the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, the 2020 Democratic field, and why he opposed Trump’s Syria troop withdrawal."]

Jaggi, Maya. "Conscience of a Nation." The Guardian (January 20, 2001) ["The child of working-class immigrants to America, [Noam Chomsky] has become one of the 10 most quoted sources in the humanities - along with Shakespeare and the Bible. Maya Jaggi on the founding father of linguistic philosophy and tireless scourge of US imperialism."]

Marshall, Colin. "Filmmaker Michel Gondry Presents an Animated Conversation with Noam Chomsky." Open Culture (November 25, 2013)

Requiem for the American Dream (USA: Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks and Jared Scott, 2015: 72 mins) ["In Requiem for the American Dream, renowned intellectual figure Noam Chomsky deliberates on the defining characteristics of our time—the colossal concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few and fewer, with the rise of a rapacious individualism and complete collapse of class consciousness. Chomsky does this by discussing some of the key principles that have brought this culture to the pinnacle of historically unprecedented inequality by tracing a half century of policies designed to favour the most wealthy at the expense of the majority, while also looking back on his own life of activism and political participation. The film serves to provide insights into how we got here, and culminates as a reminder that these problems are not inevitable. Once we remember those who came before and those who will come after, we see that we can, and should, fight back."]

Robinson, Andrew. "Anarchism, War and the State." CeaseFire (August 6, 2010) ["This article summarises how a number of anarchist and anarchistic authors view the relationship between the state and war."]

Singham, Mano. "Sam Harris gets schooled by Noam Chomsky." Free Thought Blogs (May 6, 2015)

Stohl, Bev. "Welcome to Chomsky World." Current Affairs #345 (September 9, 2024) ["Bev Stohl ran Noam Chomsky's office for over two decades. In her wonderful book Chomsky and Me(OR Books) she discusses the sometimes chaotic, never boring inside of Chomsky-world, with thousands of correspondents and visitors from around the world descending on a cramped MIT office laden with books and papers. She joins today to talk about her decades working with the most-cited living intellectual and keeping his life organized. She addresses the question so many have wondered: how did he manage to answer everyone's emails, in addition to publishing over 100 books and giving thousands of lectures? My mind's eye lit up with images of Noam’s body hunching, hands hammering out thesis drafts, editorial letters, articles, statements of solidarity, petitions, lectures, professional correspondence, recommendation letters, arguments, and email. For decades. On countless keyboards. On manual and electric typewriters, then word processors, then progressively streamlined and ergonomically correct wireless keyboards, all the way to the smaller keys of his compact laptop, none of which cramped his fingers or hurt his wrists. His body, unlike mine, seemed to be built for endless typing. - Bev Stohl, Chomsky and Me."]

Wall, Richard. "Who's Afraid of Noam Chomsky?" Lew Rockwell (2004)

West, Stephen. "On Media: Manufacturing Consent, Pt. 1." Philosophize This (December 17, 2020) [On Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman's landmark book Media Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.]

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