Top Films of 2002
Kuersten, Erich. "CinemArchetype #10: The Wild Man." Acidemic (April 5, 2012)
Lewis, Don R. "Inside LLewyn Davis." Film Threat (January 4, 2014)
Inside Llewyn Davis (USA/France: Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, 2013)." (Ongoing Archive)
Rahma, Mahmound Abu. "Under Siege: A Report from Gaza." Building Bridges (July 22, 2014) ["It is essential that U.S. citizens understand that this conflict should not continue to be viewed as a symmetrical one anymore and while they largely do not hear about it there are vicious violations of international law against Palestinians every day; including closures/blockades, settlement activities (population transfer on our land) displacement, killings, detention and torture."]
Wideman, John Edgar. "Whose War: The Color of Terror." Harper's (March 2002)
“The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern.”—C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters (1941)
We live in the best of times in which we are able to learn about the world and its incredible diversity of cultures/beings/places/perspectives in a way never historically possible. We live in the worst of times when we are able to isolate ourselves completely from anything different from our own narrow view/conception of the world/reality. The choice is yours!
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Inside Llewyn Davis (USA/France: Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, 2013)

Inside Llewyn Davis (USA/France: Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, 2013: 104 mins)
Benedict, Steven. "Coen Country." (Posted on Vimeo: February 5, 2015)
Beyl, Cameron. "The Coen Brothers [4.1]: Murder and Mayhem." The Directors Series (May 24, 2016)
---. "The Coen Brothers [4.2]: The Postmodern Pictures." The Directors Series (June 14, 2016)
---. "The Coen Brothers [4.3]: The Breakout Classics." The Directors Series (June 28, 2016)
---. "The Coen Brothers [4.4]: An Odyssey Into Style." The Directors Series (July 12, 2016)
Castillo, Monica. "The 51st New York Film Festival #2." The Cinephiliacs (Occtober 3, 2013)
Collins, K. Austin, et al. "Ballad of the Coen Brothers." The Film Comment Podcast (September 26, 2018) ["“In their films—especially Barton Fink, The Man Who Wasn’t There, No Country for Old Men, A Serious Man, and Inside Llewyn Davis—there’s always the sense that the deck is stacked against us and that we’re the authors of our own misery, a doubly discomfiting, Camusian view that perfectly matches their aesthetic approach, an overwhelming omniscience that results in a kind of bravura melancholy,” Michael Koresky writes in his feature about Joel and Ethan Coen’s The Ballad of Buster Scruggs in our September/October issue. This week, Koresky, FSLC Editorial and Creative Director, moderates a special Film Comment Podcast featuring three more Coeniacs in conversation about the brothers’ dazzling 30-year-plus body of work, from greatest hits to lesser-known ballads: K. Austin Collins, film critic at Vanity Fair; Aliza Ma, head of programming at Metrograph; and Adam Nayman, Toronto-based critic and author of the new book The Coen Brothers: This Book Really Ties the Films Together (Abrams)."]
Enelow, Shonni. "The Great Recession: Restrained but resilient, a style of acting has taken hold that speaks to an era’s anxieties." Film Quarterly (September-October 2016) ["This is another way to read the emotional withdrawal or refusal in these performances: as a response to a violent or chaotic environment, one that doesn’t offer an alternate vision of an open and embracing future. For even when representing an alienating or unfeeling world, actors of earlier eras generally appealed to the camera and their audiences to receive their feelings and implicitly trusted them to respond generously, either through vicarious sentiment or humanist compassion. Expressive acting—of which Method acting is one dominant form—is built on the conviction that audiences want an actor’s emotions to be in some way available to them. There’s a basic optimism in that conviction: the optimism that the world would be better if we all told each other the truth about what we feel. In contrast, many of today’s most lauded American film actors give performances that evince no such optimism about emotional expression. Returning to Winter’s Bone, for example, it’s clear that within the fiction of the film, Ree doesn’t trust the world to care about her well-being. But rather than contrast her character’s suspicion with an appeal to the (presumably) sympathetic film audience, Lawrence maintains her wariness throughout. Likewise, Mara doesn’t cut Lisbeth’s lowered gaze and near-inaudible, clipped speech with any revelation or outburst that would make us think she could be—or really is, deep down—other than she appears. There aren’t hidden motivations in these performances, and in fact, close to no subtext (the idea of subtext, with its inherently psychological schema, is parodied in Carol by a would-be writer who takes notes on the difference between what characters in movies say and what they really feel)."]
Lewis, Don R. "Inside LLewyn Davis." Film Threat (January 4, 2014)
Romney, Jonathan. "Songs of Innocence and Experience: The Coen Brothers continue to break new ground with Inside Llewyn Davis, a tender but tough portrait of a beautiful loser." Film Comment (November/December 2013) [Available to BCTC students through the BCTC Library.]
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Resources for July 26, 2014
Kuersten, Erich. "The Primal Father (CinemArchetypes #8)." Acidemic (March 19, 2012)
Kuersten, Erich. "CinemArchetype #9: The Devouring Mother." Acidemic (March 27, 2012)
Jones, Brian. "The Social Construction of Race." We Are Many (June 26, 2014)
Do the Right Thing (USA: Spike Lee, 1989)
Roy, Arundhati. "Capitalism: A Ghost Story." We Are Many (March 26, 2014) ["From the poisoned rivers, barren wells, and clear-cut forests, to the hundreds of thousands of farmers who have committed suicide to escape punishing debt, to the hundreds of millions of people who live on less than two dollars a day, there are ghosts nearly everywhere you look in India. India is a nation of 1.2 billion, but the country’s 100 richest people own assets equivalent to one-fourth of India’s gross domestic product. Capitalism: A Ghost Story examines the dark side of democracy in contemporary India, and shows how the demands of globalized capitalism has subjugated billions of people to the highest and most intense forms of racism and exploitation."]
"Bad Boy Bubby (1993)." 366 Weird Movies (April 4, 2012)

Aitkenhead, Decca. "Steve McQueen: My Hidden Shame." The Guardian (January 4, 2014)
Kuersten, Erich. "CinemArchetype #9: The Devouring Mother." Acidemic (March 27, 2012)
Jones, Brian. "The Social Construction of Race." We Are Many (June 26, 2014)
Do the Right Thing (USA: Spike Lee, 1989)
Roy, Arundhati. "Capitalism: A Ghost Story." We Are Many (March 26, 2014) ["From the poisoned rivers, barren wells, and clear-cut forests, to the hundreds of thousands of farmers who have committed suicide to escape punishing debt, to the hundreds of millions of people who live on less than two dollars a day, there are ghosts nearly everywhere you look in India. India is a nation of 1.2 billion, but the country’s 100 richest people own assets equivalent to one-fourth of India’s gross domestic product. Capitalism: A Ghost Story examines the dark side of democracy in contemporary India, and shows how the demands of globalized capitalism has subjugated billions of people to the highest and most intense forms of racism and exploitation."]
"Bad Boy Bubby (1993)." 366 Weird Movies (April 4, 2012)

Aitkenhead, Decca. "Steve McQueen: My Hidden Shame." The Guardian (January 4, 2014)
Do the Right Thing (USA: Spike Lee, 1989)

Do the Right Thing (USA: Spike Lee, 1989: 120 mins)
Brubaker, Philip. "Oscar to Oscar: Black Auteurs and the Academy." Keyframe (February 9, 2017)
"The History and Science of Color Temperature." Filmmaker IQ (May 2013)
LoBrutto, Vincent. "Political Objectives through Cinematic Story Telling: Do the Right Thing." Becoming Film Literate: The Art and Craft of Motion Pictures. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005: 114-121. [BCTC Library: PN1994 L595 2005]
Jones, Brian. "The Social Construction of Race." We Are Many (June 26, 2014)
Julien, Douglas. "Revisiting Spike Lee’s 'Racial Slur Montage': Ya Need to Cool that Shit Out." [in]Transition (December 12, 2014)
Phillips, Kendall R. "Race and Ethnicity: Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing." Controversial Cinema: The Films That Outraged America." Westport, CT: Praeger, 2008: 86-126. [BCTC Library: PN1995.9 S284 P45 2008]
Sabo, Lee Weston. "Radio Raheem Is a Broken Record: Lessons from Do the Right Thing on Its 25th Anniversary." Bright Lights Film Journal (December 12, 2014)
Friday, July 25, 2014
Resources for July 25, 2014
Bernstein, Arielle. "Ciphers, Masks and Longing: Old Hollywood Ethos and Lana Del Rey." Indiewire (July 16, 2014)
Abunimah, Ali and Max Blumenthal. "The Future of Palestine." We Are Many (June 23, 2014) ["The movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against the State of Israel has taken major strides recently in the United States. With divestment votes moving forward on campuses across the country, and votes to boycott Israeli institutions passed by the American Studies Association and other organizations, discussions of the movement and its objectives have entered the mainstream. At the same time, others have redoubled their efforts to suppress discussion of Israel's escalating war against Palestinians, promoting legislation to defund institutions that participate in boycotts, and pressuring university administrations to punish students and faculty who support BDS. Join Ali Abunimah and Max Blumenthal, two leading voices in the movement in solidarity with Palestine, as they discuss their acclaimed new books, recent developments in the Middle East and United States, and the future of Palestine. Ali Abunimah is the author of The Battle for Justice in Palestine. Max Blumenthal is the author of Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel."]
Ruder, Eri. "A love story: The U.S. and Israeli apartheid." We Are Many (June 24, 2014) ["Millions of Palestinians live under Israeli apartheid, a situation made possible by billions of dollars given to Israel by the U.S. government each and every year. This session explored the origins of Israeli apartheid, the strategic interests that cement the U.S.-Israel “special relationship,” and what can be done to end this historic injustice."]
Chehade, Iymen, Rima Kapitan and Bill Mullen. "Palestine and academic freedom." We are Many (June 26, 2014) ["On campuses across the country, campus administrators and pro-Israel advocacy groups are carrying out an attack on academic freedom in order to police pro-Palestinian voices. This panel features speakers from the front lines of struggles to defend the political and legal right of professors and teachers to speak openly about the Palestinian cause."]
Bell, Kristen. "Mary Poppins Quits." Funny or Die! (July 23, 2014)
Candorville by Darrin Bell

"War/Conflicts (Peace and Conflict Studies Archive)." Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Abunimah, Ali and Max Blumenthal. "The Future of Palestine." We Are Many (June 23, 2014) ["The movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against the State of Israel has taken major strides recently in the United States. With divestment votes moving forward on campuses across the country, and votes to boycott Israeli institutions passed by the American Studies Association and other organizations, discussions of the movement and its objectives have entered the mainstream. At the same time, others have redoubled their efforts to suppress discussion of Israel's escalating war against Palestinians, promoting legislation to defund institutions that participate in boycotts, and pressuring university administrations to punish students and faculty who support BDS. Join Ali Abunimah and Max Blumenthal, two leading voices in the movement in solidarity with Palestine, as they discuss their acclaimed new books, recent developments in the Middle East and United States, and the future of Palestine. Ali Abunimah is the author of The Battle for Justice in Palestine. Max Blumenthal is the author of Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel."]
Ruder, Eri. "A love story: The U.S. and Israeli apartheid." We Are Many (June 24, 2014) ["Millions of Palestinians live under Israeli apartheid, a situation made possible by billions of dollars given to Israel by the U.S. government each and every year. This session explored the origins of Israeli apartheid, the strategic interests that cement the U.S.-Israel “special relationship,” and what can be done to end this historic injustice."]
Chehade, Iymen, Rima Kapitan and Bill Mullen. "Palestine and academic freedom." We are Many (June 26, 2014) ["On campuses across the country, campus administrators and pro-Israel advocacy groups are carrying out an attack on academic freedom in order to police pro-Palestinian voices. This panel features speakers from the front lines of struggles to defend the political and legal right of professors and teachers to speak openly about the Palestinian cause."]
Bell, Kristen. "Mary Poppins Quits." Funny or Die! (July 23, 2014)
Candorville by Darrin Bell

"War/Conflicts (Peace and Conflict Studies Archive)." Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Resources for July 22, 2014
Ventura, Elbert. "Lost at Sea: Captain Phillips." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Surowiecki, James. "Moaning Moguls." The New York Times (July 7, 2014)
Top Films of 2013
Dialogic Cinephilia Jukebox
Chrish Hedges: Journalist/War Correspondent (Peace and Conflict Studies Archive)
Surowiecki, James. "Moaning Moguls." The New York Times (July 7, 2014)
Top Films of 2013
Dialogic Cinephilia Jukebox
Chrish Hedges: Journalist/War Correspondent (Peace and Conflict Studies Archive)
Chris Hedges: Journalist/War Correspondent (Peace and Conflict Studies Archive)
Biographical Resources and Hedges' Columns:
Wikipedia: Chris Hedges
TruthDig: Chris Hedges' Column
Common Dreams: Chris Hedges' Articles
The Nation: Chris Hedges' Articles
Resources by and about Chris Hedges:
Benton, Michael. "Chris Hedges and the Mythology of War." Dialogic (November 21, 2004)
Dapier, Jarrett. "Atheisms Unholy Trinity." In These Times (May 20, 2008)
Graeber, David. "Concerning the Violent Peace-Police: An Open Letter to Chris Hedges." N + 1 (Reposted on Dialogic February 9, 2012 with an introduction by Michael Dean Benton and additional resources about the controversy)
Hedges, Chris. "America's Democratic Collapse." AlterNet (June 2, 2008)
---. "America the Illiterate." Truthdig (November 10, 2008)
---. "Capitalism's Cult of Human Sacrifice." Truthdig (December 13, 2015)
---. "Calling All Rebels." Common Dreams (March 8, 2010)
---. "The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger." Truthdig (June 7, 2010)
---. "The Collapse of Globalization." Truthdig (March 28, 2011)
---. "Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians." Weekly Signals (July 8, 2008)
---. "Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt." Law and Disorder Radio (July 30, 2012)
---. "The Death of the Liberal Class." (Produced by The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY, this event was co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace: October 17, 2010 -- posted on Youtube)
---. "The Death of Truth." TruthDig (May 5, 2013)
---. "Dems Owe Chicago Public Teachers Support for "Most Important Labor Action in Decades" Democracy Now (September 11, 2012)
---. "Go to Pittsburgh, Young Man, and Defy Your Empire." Truthdig (August 31, 2009)
---. "How the Brutalized Become Brutal." Common Dreams (August 25, 2014)
---. "The Left Has Nowhere to Go." Truthdig (January 3, 2011)
---. "A Master Class On Occupation." Truthdig (October 31, 2011)
---. Neoliberalism and Its Effects in the Modern USA." Unwelcome Guests (September 28, 2012)
---. "No Other Way Out." Truthdig (February 28, 2011)
---. "On 9/11, Touring U.S. Economic Disaster Zones in Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt." Democracy Now (September 11, 2012)
---. "On American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America." Democracy Now (February 19, 2007)
---. "On War." The New York Review of Books (December 16, 2004)
---. "Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand." Truthdig (March 2011)
---. "A Prophecy Worth Watching." Truthdig (June 13, 2010)
---. "Ralph Nader Was Right About Obama." Truthdig (March 1, 2010)
---. "Reinterpreting War." On the Media (July 2, 2010)
---. "The Rise of Gonzo Porn Is the Latest Sign of America's Cultural Apocalypse." AlterNet (July 30, 2009)
---. "Rise of the New Black Radicals." Truthdig (April 26, 2015)
---. "Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism." Truthdig (November 1, 2015)
---. "The Truth Alone Will Set You Free." Truthdig (June 29, 2009)
---. "Turning King's Dream Into a Nightmare." Common Dreams (January 18, 2010)
---. "The Unsilenced Voice of a Long Distance Revolutionary." TruthDig (December 9, 2012)
---. "The Victims of Pornography." Truthdig (October 11, 2009)
---. "War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning." (University of California TV November 2004: video posted on Youtube)
---. "War is Betrayal: Persistent Myths of Combat." Boston Review (July/August 2012)
---. "War is Sin." Truthdig (June 1, 2009)
---. "We’re Losing the Last Shreds of Legal Rights to Protect Ourselves from Oligarchy." RINF (May 8, 2014)
---. "Why I Support Jill Stein for President." TruthDig (February 21, 2016)
---. "Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System." Common Dreams (April 11, 2011)
Hedges, Chris and Cornel West. "The People vs.Goldman Sachs." Dangerous Minds (November 6, 2011)
Hedges, Chris and Hamza Yusuf. "Does God Love War? (A Dialog on Religion and the State)." Unwelcome Guests #306 (May 14, 2006)
Hedges, Chris and James Wright. "Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt." Lannan Podcasts (December 3, 2012)
Hedges, Chris, Jim Powell and Tim Maby. "Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco: drawing America's invisible poor - audio slideshow." The Guardian (July 12, 2012)
Hedges, Chris, Vandana Shiva and Robert Sheer. "On Liberalism, Economy, and Corporate Domination." Uprising Radio (October 22, 2010)
Hedges, Chris, et al. "Best of the Left: Compilations of Reports on the Occupy Movement, Pts. 1-7 (September - November, 2011)." (Posted on Dialogic: November 27, 2011)
Popova, Maria. "Obey: How the Rise of Mass Propaganda Killed Populism." Brain Pickings (February 6, 2013)
Thompson, A.K. "Chris Hedges vs. CrimethInc. on Violence: Will We Get the Debate We Deserve?" Truthout (September 12, 2012)
Jeremy Hammond /Anarchaos from @AnonymousVideo on Vimeo.
Wikipedia: Chris Hedges
TruthDig: Chris Hedges' Column
Common Dreams: Chris Hedges' Articles
The Nation: Chris Hedges' Articles
Resources by and about Chris Hedges:
Benton, Michael. "Chris Hedges and the Mythology of War." Dialogic (November 21, 2004)
Dapier, Jarrett. "Atheisms Unholy Trinity." In These Times (May 20, 2008)
Graeber, David. "Concerning the Violent Peace-Police: An Open Letter to Chris Hedges." N + 1 (Reposted on Dialogic February 9, 2012 with an introduction by Michael Dean Benton and additional resources about the controversy)
Hedges, Chris. "America's Democratic Collapse." AlterNet (June 2, 2008)
---. "America the Illiterate." Truthdig (November 10, 2008)
---. "Capitalism's Cult of Human Sacrifice." Truthdig (December 13, 2015)
---. "Calling All Rebels." Common Dreams (March 8, 2010)
---. "The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger." Truthdig (June 7, 2010)
---. "The Collapse of Globalization." Truthdig (March 28, 2011)
---. "Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians." Weekly Signals (July 8, 2008)
---. "Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt." Law and Disorder Radio (July 30, 2012)
---. "The Death of the Liberal Class." (Produced by The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY, this event was co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace: October 17, 2010 -- posted on Youtube)
---. "The Death of Truth." TruthDig (May 5, 2013)
---. "Dems Owe Chicago Public Teachers Support for "Most Important Labor Action in Decades" Democracy Now (September 11, 2012)
---. "Go to Pittsburgh, Young Man, and Defy Your Empire." Truthdig (August 31, 2009)
---. "How the Brutalized Become Brutal." Common Dreams (August 25, 2014)
---. "The Left Has Nowhere to Go." Truthdig (January 3, 2011)
---. "A Master Class On Occupation." Truthdig (October 31, 2011)
---. Neoliberalism and Its Effects in the Modern USA." Unwelcome Guests (September 28, 2012)
---. "No Other Way Out." Truthdig (February 28, 2011)
---. "On 9/11, Touring U.S. Economic Disaster Zones in Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt." Democracy Now (September 11, 2012)
---. "On American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America." Democracy Now (February 19, 2007)
---. "On War." The New York Review of Books (December 16, 2004)
---. "Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand." Truthdig (March 2011)
---. "A Prophecy Worth Watching." Truthdig (June 13, 2010)
---. "Ralph Nader Was Right About Obama." Truthdig (March 1, 2010)
---. "Reinterpreting War." On the Media (July 2, 2010)
---. "The Rise of Gonzo Porn Is the Latest Sign of America's Cultural Apocalypse." AlterNet (July 30, 2009)
---. "Rise of the New Black Radicals." Truthdig (April 26, 2015)
---. "Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism." Truthdig (November 1, 2015)
---. "The Truth Alone Will Set You Free." Truthdig (June 29, 2009)
---. "Turning King's Dream Into a Nightmare." Common Dreams (January 18, 2010)
---. "The Unsilenced Voice of a Long Distance Revolutionary." TruthDig (December 9, 2012)
---. "The Victims of Pornography." Truthdig (October 11, 2009)
---. "War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning." (University of California TV November 2004: video posted on Youtube)
---. "War is Betrayal: Persistent Myths of Combat." Boston Review (July/August 2012)
---. "War is Sin." Truthdig (June 1, 2009)
---. "We’re Losing the Last Shreds of Legal Rights to Protect Ourselves from Oligarchy." RINF (May 8, 2014)
---. "Why I Support Jill Stein for President." TruthDig (February 21, 2016)
---. "Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System." Common Dreams (April 11, 2011)
Hedges, Chris and Cornel West. "The People vs.Goldman Sachs." Dangerous Minds (November 6, 2011)
Hedges, Chris and Hamza Yusuf. "Does God Love War? (A Dialog on Religion and the State)." Unwelcome Guests #306 (May 14, 2006)
Hedges, Chris and James Wright. "Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt." Lannan Podcasts (December 3, 2012)
Hedges, Chris, Jim Powell and Tim Maby. "Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco: drawing America's invisible poor - audio slideshow." The Guardian (July 12, 2012)
Hedges, Chris, Vandana Shiva and Robert Sheer. "On Liberalism, Economy, and Corporate Domination." Uprising Radio (October 22, 2010)
Hedges, Chris, et al. "Best of the Left: Compilations of Reports on the Occupy Movement, Pts. 1-7 (September - November, 2011)." (Posted on Dialogic: November 27, 2011)
Popova, Maria. "Obey: How the Rise of Mass Propaganda Killed Populism." Brain Pickings (February 6, 2013)
Thompson, A.K. "Chris Hedges vs. CrimethInc. on Violence: Will We Get the Debate We Deserve?" Truthout (September 12, 2012)
Jeremy Hammond /Anarchaos from @AnonymousVideo on Vimeo.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Dialogic Cinephilia Jukebox
[Music for the office]
4 by The Bamboos
IV by Led Zeppelin
"A 17-Hour Chronological Playlist of Pink Floyd Albums: The Evolution of the Band Revealed in 209 Tracks (1967-2014)." Open Culture (March 27, 2018)
20th Century Women - soundtrack
60s - 70s Japanese Instrumental Funk Breaks by Various Artists
2112 by Rush
10,000 Days by Tool
Acid Music for Acid People by Liquid Sound Company
Adore Life by Savages
Aenima by Tool
After the Rain by Muddy Waters
Aladdin Sane by David Bowie
American Made by Drive By Truckers
Animals by Pink Floyd
AnonUK Radio Show
Antiphon by Midlake
Apostrophe by Frank Zappa
Aqualung by Jethro Tull
The Argument by Fugazi
Audioslave by Audioslave
Audiotree Live -- Larkin Poe
Audiotree Live -- Vita and the Woolf
The Avenues by Lera Lynn
A Wolf in the Doorway by The Ballroom Thieves
The B-52s by The B-52s
Bad News is Coming by Luther Allison
Berlin (Live at St. Ann's Warehouse) by Lou Reed
The Best of by Bob Marley
The Best of by Joy Division
Best of by Nine Inch Nails
The Best of (Parts I - IX) Pink Floyd
The Best of (Part 1: Japanese Edition) by Radiohead
The Best of by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Best of The Smiths
The Best Songs of Howling Wolf
Betty Davis by Betty Davis
Big Calm by Morcheeba
Bjork by Bjork
Black Holes and Revelations by Muse
Blood Sugar Sex Magic by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Boxing the Moonlight by Mister Heavenly
The Broken Circle Breakdown by Various Artists
Californification by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Chutes to Narrow by The Shins (Spotify)
Classic 70s Rock Collection, Vol. 1 by Various Artists
Classic Yes by Yes
The Claypool Lennon Delirium (08/05/2016)
The Columbia Years 1968-1969 by Betty Davis
Complete Greatest Hits by The Cars
Country Life by Roxy Music
The Crow - Original Soundtrack
Cure for Pain by Morphine
Currents by Tame Impala
Dale Watson Live on KEXP
Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
Dead Man - Original Soundtrack by Neil Young
Deluxe by Angus & Julia Stone
Deluxe Edition - Acoustic and Jams by Blind Faith
Diamond Dogs by David Bowie
Directions to See a Ghost by The Black Angels
Donnie Darko Soundtrack by Various Artists
Dummy by Portishead
Dutch Rare Grooves by Various Artists
Easy Rider by Original Soundtrack
Echoes: The Very Best of Pink Floyd
The Electric Lady by Janella Monáe
Elevator to the Gallows by Miles Davis
Embrace by Sleepy Sun
Everything Crash by X-TAL
Exile in the Outer Ring by EMA
Exile on Main Street by The Rolling Stones
Evil One by Roky Erickson and the Aliens
Expensive Shit by Fela Kuti
Family by Snarky Puppy
Far West by Master Musicians of Bukkake
Fever by Sleepy Sun
Fever to Tell by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Fight with Tools by Flobots
Figure 8 by Elliot Smith
Forever Changes by Love
Fragile by Yes
Freedom Highway by Rhiannon Giddens
Full Hex by Poison Girls
Funknronomicon - various artists
Fun House by The Stooges
Fuzzy Duck by Fuzzy Duck
Garden State - Original Soundtrack
Girls Just Want to Have Punk - Various Artists
Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death by The Dead Kennedys
Goats Head Soup by The Rolling Stones
Gone, Just Like a Train by Bill Frisell
Good Vibrations: The Punk Singles Collection by various artists
Greatest Hits by The B-52s
Greatest Hits by Black Sabbath
Greatest Hits by Dire Straits
Greatest Hits by Pink Floyd
Greatest Hits by Rage Against the Machine
Greatest Hits by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Greatest Hits by Steely Dan
Greatest Hits by Tom Petty
Guardians of the Galaxy -- Original Soundtrack
The Guitar Song by Jamey Johnson
Happy Trails by Quicksilver Messenger Service
Hedwig and the Angry Inch by Original Soundtrack
Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
Highway Queen by Nikki Lane
Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer by of Montreal
Hold My Beer, Vol. 1 by Wade Bowen and Randy Rogers
Horses by Patti Smith
Hot Rats by Frank Zappa
Hunky Dory by David Bowie
The Idiot by Iggy Pop
Illinoise by Syfjan Stevens
The Impossible Kid by Aesop Rock
Indie/Indie-Folk Compilation - Summer 2015 by Various Artists
Innerspeaker by Tama Impala
In the Future by Black Mountain
The Iron Horse by The Sound Defects
Jackie Brown - original soundtrack
June 1, 1974 by Kevin Ayers, John Cale, Brian Eno and Nico
Keep It Like a Secret by Built to Spill
Kid A Live by Radiohead
Kill My Landlord by The Coup
Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin
Le Tigre by Le Tigre
Let it Bleed by The Rolling Stones
Lexington Community Radio WLXL 95.7
Live at the Bowl '68 by The Doors
Live at the Village Underground by Hiatus Kaiyote
Live in Long Beach, 1975 by Gentle Giant
Live Mix Psychedelic Funk And Soul 1968 - 1975 by Various Artists
Live Through This by Hole
Living in Darkness by Agent Orange
Live on KEXP by King Gizzard and Lizard Wizard
Live on KEXP by Margo Price
Live on KEXP by Wolf Alice
London Calling by The Clash
Lonerism by Tame Impala
Lonesome Crowded West by Modest Mouse
Lullabies to Paralyze by Queens of the Stone Age
Mademoiselle by The Underground Youth
Maggot Brain by Funkadelic
The Man Who Sold the World by David Bowie
The Marquee Club, London, December 7, 1970 -- The Faces
Marquee Moon by Television
Masters of Reality by Black Sabbath
Meddle by Pink Floyd
Mezzanineu by Massive Attack
The Mick Taylor Years by The Rolling Stones
Midnight Sun by Ghost of a Sabre Tooth Tiger
Mixtape by Daikaiju
The Modern Lovers by The Modern Lovers
Monolith of Phobias by The Claypool Lennon Delirium
The Moon & The Antartica by Modest Mouse
More Fun in the New World by X
Moving Pictures by Rush
The Music from Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Films by Various Artists
Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By by Lovage
My Best of B-52s
Naturally by JJ Cale
Nevermind by Nirvana
Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
New Orleans Funk 1960 - 1975 by Various Artists
Night of the Living Dead Suburbs by Arcade Fire
Nothing's Shocking / Ritual de lo Habitual by Jane's Addiction
NPR Music Front Row by Sleater Kinney
Nymphomaniac - Soundtrack
Oh, Inverted World by The Shins
OK Computer by Radiohead
Old School Funk - Best of Funk by Various Artists
Once in a Lifetime: The Best of The Talking Heads
Once I was an Eagle by Laura Marling
Only Lovers Left Alive - Soundtrack
On the Beach by Neil Young
On Your Feet or on Your Knees by Blue Oyster Cult
Out of the Blue by ELO
Pan African Space Station
Parade by Pretty Girls Make Graves [student video for HUM 221]
Paradise Studios in L.A., 1979 by JJ Cale and Leon Russell
Paris 1970 by Black Sabbath
Passover by The Black Angels
Peasants, Pigs, and Astronauts by Kula Shaker
Peel Sessions by Joy Division
Peel Sessions 1972 by David Bowie and the Spiders of Mars
Peel Sessions 1972 by Roxy Music
Peel Sessions 1974 by Eno and the Winkies
Peel Sessions 1979 by Gang of Four
Peel Sessions 1979 by The Tubeway Army
Peel Sessions 1980 by Young Marble Giants
Permanent Waves by Rush
Phase III by Seulah
Pink Flag by Wire
Play by Moby
Playlist - Arcade Fire
Popular Videos by Daniel Kahn and the Painted Bird
Pork Soda by Primus
Pretend I'm Human by 9MM
Psychedelic Space Rock - Various Artists
Pulp Fiction - Original Soundtrack
Punk 1977/2007, Disc 3 - Various Artists
Pussy Whipped by Bikini Kill
Quadrophenia by The Who
Radio Ethiopa by Patti Smith
Radio Retaliation by Thievery Corporation
The Real Thing by Faith No More
Rearview Mirror: The Essential Pearl Jam
Red Medicine by Fugazi
Reflektor by Arcade Fire
Reject All American by Bikini Kill
Rejuvenation by The Meters
The Reminder by Feist
Repo Man -- Original Soundtrack
Resevoir Dogs -- Original Soundtrack
Rest by Charlotte Gainsbourg
Retrospective by Buffalo Springfield
The Richest Man in babylon by Thievery Corporation
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders of Mars by David Bowie
The Rising Tied by Fort Minor
Ritual de lo Habitual by Jane's Addiction
Rock n Roll Animal by Lou Reed
Rocky Horror Punk Picture Show - Various Artists
Rocky Horror Picture Show by Various Artists
Roxy Music by Roxy Music
Rust Never Sleeps by Neil Young and Crazy Horse
Satanic Panic in the Attic by Of Montreal
Sea Change by Beck
Sea Lice by the Sea Side (Live) by Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile
Searching for Sugar Man by Rodriguez
Sessions by Tame Impala
Seventeen Seconds by The Cure
Sexwitch by Sexwitch
The Shiny Beast Sessions by Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band
Shooting at the Moon by Kevin Ayers and the Whole World
Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins
Singles Going Steady by The Buzzcocks
Slow and Sexy Blues Music Compilation 2017 by Various Artists
Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometime I Just Sit by Courtney Barnett
Songs for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age
Sonic Ranch by Whitey Morgan and the 78s
Sound and Color by Alabama Shakes
Space is Still the Place by The Bright Light Social Scene
Stage Boundary Songs mix by DJ/rupture
Stardog Champion by Mother Love Bone
The Stone Roses by The Stone Roses
The Stooges by The Stooges
Strange Trails by Lord Huron
Strangeways, Here We Come by The Smiths
The Suburbs by Arcade Fire
The Sultans of Swing: The Very Best of Dire Straits
Superunknown by Soundgarden
Teacher Don't Teach Me No Nonsense by Fela Kuti
Temple of the Dog by Temple of the Dog
Tender Prey by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Terrible Human Beings - by The Orwells
They Say I Am Different by Bette Davis
Things Fall Apart by The Roots
Think Tank by Blur
This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Do by Modest Mouse
Three Friends by Gentle Giant
Tombstone Radio by The Cadillac Tramps
The Trials of Van Occupanther by Midlake
Two Suns by Bat for Lashes
Ultimate Collection by The Who
Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division
Under the Big Black Sun by X
Undertow by Tool
Unknown Passage by Dead Moon
Unplugged by Pearl Jam
Until the End of the World -- Original Soundtrack
Up From the Catacombs - The Best of Janes Addiction
Various Videos by Outernational
The Velvet Underground and Nico
The Very Best of by Dire Straits
The Very Best of by Jethro Tull
The Very Best of by The Smiths
The Very Best of 1969 to 1973 by David Bowie
Vietnam War Era Playlist by Various Artists
Vintage Delta Blues by Various Artists
Violent Femmes by Violent Femmes
The Wall by Pink Floyd
Warsaw by Joy Division
Western Movies by Western Movies
(What's the Story) Morning Glory by Oasis
Wild Gift by X
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Who's Next by The Who
World Music by Goat
WRFL 88.1 (Lexington College Radio)
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco
The Yes Album by Yes
Yojimbo -- Original Soundtrack
You in Reverse by Built to Spill
Whiplash -- Original Soundtrack
The White Room by KLF
Worried Blues by Various Artists
Young Americans by David Bowie
Zen Arcade by Husker Du
4 by The Bamboos
IV by Led Zeppelin
"A 17-Hour Chronological Playlist of Pink Floyd Albums: The Evolution of the Band Revealed in 209 Tracks (1967-2014)." Open Culture (March 27, 2018)
60s - 70s Japanese Instrumental Funk Breaks by Various Artists
2112 by Rush
10,000 Days by Tool
Acid Music for Acid People by Liquid Sound Company
Adore Life by Savages
Aenima by Tool
After the Rain by Muddy Waters
Aladdin Sane by David Bowie
American Made by Drive By Truckers
Animals by Pink Floyd
AnonUK Radio Show
Antiphon by Midlake
Apostrophe by Frank Zappa
Aqualung by Jethro Tull
The Argument by Fugazi
Audioslave by Audioslave
Audiotree Live -- Larkin Poe
Audiotree Live -- Vita and the Woolf
The Avenues by Lera Lynn
A Wolf in the Doorway by The Ballroom Thieves
The B-52s by The B-52s
Bad News is Coming by Luther Allison
Berlin (Live at St. Ann's Warehouse) by Lou Reed
The Best of by Bob Marley
The Best of by Joy Division
Best of by Nine Inch Nails
The Best of (Parts I - IX) Pink Floyd
The Best of (Part 1: Japanese Edition) by Radiohead
The Best of by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Best of The Smiths
The Best Songs of Howling Wolf
Betty Davis by Betty Davis
Big Calm by Morcheeba
Bjork by Bjork
Black Holes and Revelations by Muse
Blood Sugar Sex Magic by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Boxing the Moonlight by Mister Heavenly
The Broken Circle Breakdown by Various Artists
Californification by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Chutes to Narrow by The Shins (Spotify)
Classic 70s Rock Collection, Vol. 1 by Various Artists
Classic Yes by Yes
The Claypool Lennon Delirium (08/05/2016)
The Columbia Years 1968-1969 by Betty Davis
Complete Greatest Hits by The Cars
Country Life by Roxy Music
The Crow - Original Soundtrack
Cure for Pain by Morphine
Currents by Tame Impala
Dale Watson Live on KEXP
Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
Dead Man - Original Soundtrack by Neil Young
Deluxe by Angus & Julia Stone
Deluxe Edition - Acoustic and Jams by Blind Faith
Diamond Dogs by David Bowie
Directions to See a Ghost by The Black Angels
Donnie Darko Soundtrack by Various Artists
Dummy by Portishead
Dutch Rare Grooves by Various Artists
Easy Rider by Original Soundtrack
Echoes: The Very Best of Pink Floyd
The Electric Lady by Janella Monáe
Elevator to the Gallows by Miles Davis
Embrace by Sleepy Sun
Everything Crash by X-TAL
Exile in the Outer Ring by EMA
Exile on Main Street by The Rolling Stones
Evil One by Roky Erickson and the Aliens
Expensive Shit by Fela Kuti
Family by Snarky Puppy
Far West by Master Musicians of Bukkake
Fever by Sleepy Sun
Fever to Tell by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Fight with Tools by Flobots
Figure 8 by Elliot Smith
Forever Changes by Love
Fragile by Yes
Freedom Highway by Rhiannon Giddens
Full Hex by Poison Girls
Funknronomicon - various artists
Fun House by The Stooges
Fuzzy Duck by Fuzzy Duck
Garden State - Original Soundtrack
Girls Just Want to Have Punk - Various Artists
Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death by The Dead Kennedys
Goats Head Soup by The Rolling Stones
Gone, Just Like a Train by Bill Frisell
Good Vibrations: The Punk Singles Collection by various artists
Greatest Hits by The B-52s
Greatest Hits by Black Sabbath
Greatest Hits by Dire Straits
Greatest Hits by Pink Floyd
Greatest Hits by Rage Against the Machine
Greatest Hits by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Greatest Hits by Steely Dan
Greatest Hits by Tom Petty
Guardians of the Galaxy -- Original Soundtrack
The Guitar Song by Jamey Johnson
Happy Trails by Quicksilver Messenger Service
Hedwig and the Angry Inch by Original Soundtrack
Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
Highway Queen by Nikki Lane
Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer by of Montreal
Hold My Beer, Vol. 1 by Wade Bowen and Randy Rogers
Horses by Patti Smith
Hot Rats by Frank Zappa
Hunky Dory by David Bowie
The Idiot by Iggy Pop
Illinoise by Syfjan Stevens
The Impossible Kid by Aesop Rock
Indie/Indie-Folk Compilation - Summer 2015 by Various Artists
Innerspeaker by Tama Impala
In the Future by Black Mountain
The Iron Horse by The Sound Defects
Jackie Brown - original soundtrack
June 1, 1974 by Kevin Ayers, John Cale, Brian Eno and Nico
Keep It Like a Secret by Built to Spill
Kid A Live by Radiohead
Kill My Landlord by The Coup
Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin
Le Tigre by Le Tigre
Let it Bleed by The Rolling Stones
Lexington Community Radio WLXL 95.7
Live at the Bowl '68 by The Doors
Live at the Village Underground by Hiatus Kaiyote
Live in Long Beach, 1975 by Gentle Giant
Live Mix Psychedelic Funk And Soul 1968 - 1975 by Various Artists
Live Through This by Hole
Living in Darkness by Agent Orange
Live on KEXP by King Gizzard and Lizard Wizard
Live on KEXP by Margo Price
Live on KEXP by Wolf Alice
London Calling by The Clash
Lonerism by Tame Impala
Lonesome Crowded West by Modest Mouse
Lullabies to Paralyze by Queens of the Stone Age
Mademoiselle by The Underground Youth
Maggot Brain by Funkadelic
The Man Who Sold the World by David Bowie
The Marquee Club, London, December 7, 1970 -- The Faces
Marquee Moon by Television
Masters of Reality by Black Sabbath
Meddle by Pink Floyd
Mezzanineu by Massive Attack
The Mick Taylor Years by The Rolling Stones
Midnight Sun by Ghost of a Sabre Tooth Tiger
Mixtape by Daikaiju
The Modern Lovers by The Modern Lovers
Monolith of Phobias by The Claypool Lennon Delirium
The Moon & The Antartica by Modest Mouse
More Fun in the New World by X
Moving Pictures by Rush
The Music from Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Films by Various Artists
Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By by Lovage
My Best of B-52s
Naturally by JJ Cale
Nevermind by Nirvana
Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
New Orleans Funk 1960 - 1975 by Various Artists
Night of the Living Dead Suburbs by Arcade Fire
Nothing's Shocking / Ritual de lo Habitual by Jane's Addiction
NPR Music Front Row by Sleater Kinney
Nymphomaniac - Soundtrack
Oh, Inverted World by The Shins
OK Computer by Radiohead
Old School Funk - Best of Funk by Various Artists
Once in a Lifetime: The Best of The Talking Heads
Once I was an Eagle by Laura Marling
Only Lovers Left Alive - Soundtrack
On the Beach by Neil Young
On Your Feet or on Your Knees by Blue Oyster Cult
Out of the Blue by ELO
Pan African Space Station
Parade by Pretty Girls Make Graves [student video for HUM 221]
Paradise Studios in L.A., 1979 by JJ Cale and Leon Russell
Paris 1970 by Black Sabbath
Passover by The Black Angels
Peasants, Pigs, and Astronauts by Kula Shaker
Peel Sessions by Joy Division
Peel Sessions 1972 by David Bowie and the Spiders of Mars
Peel Sessions 1972 by Roxy Music
Peel Sessions 1974 by Eno and the Winkies
Peel Sessions 1979 by Gang of Four
Peel Sessions 1979 by The Tubeway Army
Peel Sessions 1980 by Young Marble Giants
Permanent Waves by Rush
Phase III by Seulah
Pink Flag by Wire
Play by Moby
Playlist - Arcade Fire
Popular Videos by Daniel Kahn and the Painted Bird
Pork Soda by Primus
Pretend I'm Human by 9MM
Psychedelic Space Rock - Various Artists
Pulp Fiction - Original Soundtrack
Punk 1977/2007, Disc 3 - Various Artists
Pussy Whipped by Bikini Kill
Quadrophenia by The Who
Radio Ethiopa by Patti Smith
Radio Retaliation by Thievery Corporation
The Real Thing by Faith No More
Rearview Mirror: The Essential Pearl Jam
Red Medicine by Fugazi
Reflektor by Arcade Fire
Reject All American by Bikini Kill
Rejuvenation by The Meters
The Reminder by Feist
Repo Man -- Original Soundtrack
Resevoir Dogs -- Original Soundtrack
Rest by Charlotte Gainsbourg
Retrospective by Buffalo Springfield
The Richest Man in babylon by Thievery Corporation
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders of Mars by David Bowie
The Rising Tied by Fort Minor
Ritual de lo Habitual by Jane's Addiction
Rock n Roll Animal by Lou Reed
Rocky Horror Punk Picture Show - Various Artists
Rocky Horror Picture Show by Various Artists
Roxy Music by Roxy Music
Rust Never Sleeps by Neil Young and Crazy Horse
Satanic Panic in the Attic by Of Montreal
Sea Change by Beck
Sea Lice by the Sea Side (Live) by Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile
Searching for Sugar Man by Rodriguez
Sessions by Tame Impala
Seventeen Seconds by The Cure
Sexwitch by Sexwitch
The Shiny Beast Sessions by Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band
Shooting at the Moon by Kevin Ayers and the Whole World
Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins
Singles Going Steady by The Buzzcocks
Slow and Sexy Blues Music Compilation 2017 by Various Artists
Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometime I Just Sit by Courtney Barnett
Songs for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age
Sonic Ranch by Whitey Morgan and the 78s
Sound and Color by Alabama Shakes
Space is Still the Place by The Bright Light Social Scene
Stage Boundary Songs mix by DJ/rupture
Stardog Champion by Mother Love Bone
The Stone Roses by The Stone Roses
The Stooges by The Stooges
Strange Trails by Lord Huron
Strangeways, Here We Come by The Smiths
The Suburbs by Arcade Fire
The Sultans of Swing: The Very Best of Dire Straits
Superunknown by Soundgarden
Teacher Don't Teach Me No Nonsense by Fela Kuti
Temple of the Dog by Temple of the Dog
Tender Prey by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Terrible Human Beings - by The Orwells
They Say I Am Different by Bette Davis
Things Fall Apart by The Roots
Think Tank by Blur
This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Do by Modest Mouse
Three Friends by Gentle Giant
Tombstone Radio by The Cadillac Tramps
The Trials of Van Occupanther by Midlake
Two Suns by Bat for Lashes
Ultimate Collection by The Who
Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division
Under the Big Black Sun by X
Undertow by Tool
Unknown Passage by Dead Moon
Unplugged by Pearl Jam
Until the End of the World -- Original Soundtrack
Up From the Catacombs - The Best of Janes Addiction
Various Videos by Outernational
The Velvet Underground and Nico
The Very Best of by Dire Straits
The Very Best of by Jethro Tull
The Very Best of by The Smiths
The Very Best of 1969 to 1973 by David Bowie
Vietnam War Era Playlist by Various Artists
Vintage Delta Blues by Various Artists
Violent Femmes by Violent Femmes
The Wall by Pink Floyd
Warsaw by Joy Division
Western Movies by Western Movies
(What's the Story) Morning Glory by Oasis
Wild Gift by X
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Who's Next by The Who
World Music by Goat
WRFL 88.1 (Lexington College Radio)
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco
The Yes Album by Yes
Yojimbo -- Original Soundtrack
You in Reverse by Built to Spill
Whiplash -- Original Soundtrack
The White Room by KLF
Worried Blues by Various Artists
Young Americans by David Bowie
Zen Arcade by Husker Du
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Resources for July 20, 2014
Perez, Ashley. "This Woman Had Her Face Photoshopped In Over 25 Countries To Examine Global Beauty Standards: Through her work, Esther Honig hopes to discover if a global beauty standard actually exists." Buzzfeed (June 25, 2014)
Podcasts (Ongoing Archive)
Osborne, Sam. "Crowd of nearly 10,000 gathered at civil rights event in Lexington in 1867." Lexington Herald-Leader (July 14, 2014)
Carpenter, Edmund. Oh, What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me. Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1972.
Grozdaniz, Lidija. "Möbius, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the 1950s: David Lynch As the Ultimate Architect's Film Director." Architizer (July 14, 2014)
Zaman, Farihah. "The Pleasure Principle: Blue is the Warmest Color." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Hynes, Eric. "Fight the Powers That Be: The Square." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Annett, Kevin, Mark Boyle and Charles Eisenstein. "What Does It Profit A Man? (Moneyless Living, The Canadian Genocide)." Unwelcome Guests #688 (May 31, 2014)
Smalley, G. "Archangel (1990)." 366 Weird Movies (February 17, 2009)
Podcasts (Ongoing Archive)
Osborne, Sam. "Crowd of nearly 10,000 gathered at civil rights event in Lexington in 1867." Lexington Herald-Leader (July 14, 2014)
Carpenter, Edmund. Oh, What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me. Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1972.
Grozdaniz, Lidija. "Möbius, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the 1950s: David Lynch As the Ultimate Architect's Film Director." Architizer (July 14, 2014)
WE ARE MANY - TRAILER from Amirani Media on Vimeo.
Zaman, Farihah. "The Pleasure Principle: Blue is the Warmest Color." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Hynes, Eric. "Fight the Powers That Be: The Square." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Annett, Kevin, Mark Boyle and Charles Eisenstein. "What Does It Profit A Man? (Moneyless Living, The Canadian Genocide)." Unwelcome Guests #688 (May 31, 2014)
Smalley, G. "Archangel (1990)." 366 Weird Movies (February 17, 2009)
Monday, July 14, 2014
Resources for July 14, 2014
Berkerts, Sven, et al. "Revisiting David Foster Wallace’s Boston." Open Source (June 26, 2014)
"In Depth with Reza Aslan." C-SPAN (July 6, 2014) ["Reza Aslan responded to viewer questions and comments on topics such as Islamic fundamentalism, the war on terror, and instability in the Middle East. He is the author of No god but God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam, Beyond Fundamentalism: Confronting Religious Extremism in the Age of Globalization, and Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. "}
The Center for Constitutional Rights: “The history of the Japanese internment, and the ensuing apologies and atonement of each branch of the U.S. government, provide twin lessons. First, infringement of rights on the basis of class membership—race in the World War II era, and religion in this case—is not only inherently injurious but can and does produce injury. Second, a proffered military or police exigency, no matter how great, must be subjected to the strictest of scrutiny on the merits rather than accepted at the threshold as the basis for dismissal of an equal protection claim.” Amicus brief by descendants of Japanese Americans who were subject to internment during World War II, arguing that the Court of Appeals should reverse the district court’s dismissal of a lawsuit, brought by Muslim Advocates and the Center for Constitutional Rights, challenging the blanket surveillance of American Muslims in New Jersey by the NYPD."
Risselada, Brian, Josh Ryan and Max Slobodin. "Shane Carruth." Syndromes and a Cinema #6 (December 8, 2013) ["the films of Shane Carruth, an American director who also wrote, produced, edited, composed the score for, and acted in both of his two films Primer (2004) and Upstream Color (2013)."]
Top Films of 1981
Kuersten, Erich. "CinemArchetype #7: The Shadow." Acidemic (March 8, 2012)
Ventura, Elbert. "State of the Union: Nebraska." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Flow: For the Love of Water (USA: Irena Salina, 2008: 93 mins)
Smalley, G. "Antichrist 2009." 366 Weird Movies (December 15, 2010)
Ma, Aliza. "Histories of Violence: A Touch of Sin." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
"In Depth with Reza Aslan." C-SPAN (July 6, 2014) ["Reza Aslan responded to viewer questions and comments on topics such as Islamic fundamentalism, the war on terror, and instability in the Middle East. He is the author of No god but God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam, Beyond Fundamentalism: Confronting Religious Extremism in the Age of Globalization, and Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. "}
The Center for Constitutional Rights: “The history of the Japanese internment, and the ensuing apologies and atonement of each branch of the U.S. government, provide twin lessons. First, infringement of rights on the basis of class membership—race in the World War II era, and religion in this case—is not only inherently injurious but can and does produce injury. Second, a proffered military or police exigency, no matter how great, must be subjected to the strictest of scrutiny on the merits rather than accepted at the threshold as the basis for dismissal of an equal protection claim.” Amicus brief by descendants of Japanese Americans who were subject to internment during World War II, arguing that the Court of Appeals should reverse the district court’s dismissal of a lawsuit, brought by Muslim Advocates and the Center for Constitutional Rights, challenging the blanket surveillance of American Muslims in New Jersey by the NYPD."
Risselada, Brian, Josh Ryan and Max Slobodin. "Shane Carruth." Syndromes and a Cinema #6 (December 8, 2013) ["the films of Shane Carruth, an American director who also wrote, produced, edited, composed the score for, and acted in both of his two films Primer (2004) and Upstream Color (2013)."]
Top Films of 1981
Kuersten, Erich. "CinemArchetype #7: The Shadow." Acidemic (March 8, 2012)
Ventura, Elbert. "State of the Union: Nebraska." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Flow: For the Love of Water (USA: Irena Salina, 2008: 93 mins)
Smalley, G. "Antichrist 2009." 366 Weird Movies (December 15, 2010)
Ma, Aliza. "Histories of Violence: A Touch of Sin." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Resources for July 10, 2014
Haymarket Books:
Nelson, Max. "You're the Ones and Zeros for Me: Her." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Dialogic Cinephilia archives:
Her (USA: Spike Jonze, 2013)
Snowpiercer (South Korea/USA/France/Czech Republic: Bong Joon-Ho, 2013)
Carvajal, Nelson. "Bong Joon-Ho: Living Images, Moving Frames." Balder & Dash (July 1, 2014)

Begley, Adam. "The John Updike Radio Files." Open Source (July 3, 2014)
epenthesis \ih-PEN-thuh-sis\
noun: the insertion or development of a sound or letter in the body of a word
The "b" in the adjective "nimble" is the result of epenthesis; in Middle English, the word was spelled "nimel."
"When Yogi Bear talks about swiping 'pick-a-nick' baskets in Jellystone Park, it sounds as if he's just having fun, but he's also demonstrating 'epenthesis,' inserting a vowel to avoid the consonants bumping up against each other." — Ruth Walker, The Christian Science Monitor, August 15, 2012
If you say "film" as "FIL-um," with two syllables, you've committed epenthesis. It isn't a punishable offense—in fact, it's not an offense at all. It is simply a natural way to break up an awkward cluster of consonants. It's easier for some people to say "film" as two syllables instead of one, just as it's easier for some to insert a "b" sound into "cummerbund," pronouncing that word as "CUM-ber-bund."
This Day in History: On July 10, 1966, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed a crowd of over 35,000 at Chicago's Soldier Field as part of the Chicago Freedom Movement, the most extensive Northern campaign in which King participated. The movement fought for demands to end housing discrimination, for access to jobs, quality education, and more, and was met with a fierce response by local political bosses and many white Chicagoans. Here's a short video on the Chicago campaign
Nelson, Max. "You're the Ones and Zeros for Me: Her." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Dialogic Cinephilia archives:
Her (USA: Spike Jonze, 2013)
Snowpiercer (South Korea/USA/France/Czech Republic: Bong Joon-Ho, 2013)
Carvajal, Nelson. "Bong Joon-Ho: Living Images, Moving Frames." Balder & Dash (July 1, 2014)

Begley, Adam. "The John Updike Radio Files." Open Source (July 3, 2014)
epenthesis \ih-PEN-thuh-sis\
noun: the insertion or development of a sound or letter in the body of a word
The "b" in the adjective "nimble" is the result of epenthesis; in Middle English, the word was spelled "nimel."
"When Yogi Bear talks about swiping 'pick-a-nick' baskets in Jellystone Park, it sounds as if he's just having fun, but he's also demonstrating 'epenthesis,' inserting a vowel to avoid the consonants bumping up against each other." — Ruth Walker, The Christian Science Monitor, August 15, 2012
If you say "film" as "FIL-um," with two syllables, you've committed epenthesis. It isn't a punishable offense—in fact, it's not an offense at all. It is simply a natural way to break up an awkward cluster of consonants. It's easier for some people to say "film" as two syllables instead of one, just as it's easier for some to insert a "b" sound into "cummerbund," pronouncing that word as "CUM-ber-bund."

Monday, July 7, 2014
Resources for July 7, 2014
Tatar, Maria. "The Great Cauldron of Story: Why Fairy Tales are For Adults Again." On Being (May 8, 2014)
"DC Think Tanks Create New Cold War Tipping Point." Media Roots (May 6, 2014)
Hamburger, Philip and Steven Waldman. "The Long Experiment of American Democracy." On Being (July 3, 2014)
Fritsche, Tom. "2013 Year in Review, Indexed: A viewer’s guide to Keyframe’s 2013 year-end lists." Keyframe (December 31, 2013)
Merten, Jacob. "Spike Jonze’s Her and the Essence of Intimacy." Bright Lights Film Journal (February 19, 2014)
Lucca, Violet. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Josefsson, Kira. "Concerning Violence: An Interview with Goran Hugo Olsson." Press Play (July 3, 2014)
Top Films of 2002
Ehrenstein, David. "How to Remember in a Nation that Forgets: Nicholas Wrathall’s GORE VIDAL: THE UNITED STATES OF AMNESIA shows that strong ideas do survive." Keyframe (June 29, 2014)
"DC Think Tanks Create New Cold War Tipping Point." Media Roots (May 6, 2014)
Hamburger, Philip and Steven Waldman. "The Long Experiment of American Democracy." On Being (July 3, 2014)
Fritsche, Tom. "2013 Year in Review, Indexed: A viewer’s guide to Keyframe’s 2013 year-end lists." Keyframe (December 31, 2013)
Merten, Jacob. "Spike Jonze’s Her and the Essence of Intimacy." Bright Lights Film Journal (February 19, 2014)
Lucca, Violet. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Reverse Shot #33 (2013)
Josefsson, Kira. "Concerning Violence: An Interview with Goran Hugo Olsson." Press Play (July 3, 2014)
Top Films of 2002
Ehrenstein, David. "How to Remember in a Nation that Forgets: Nicholas Wrathall’s GORE VIDAL: THE UNITED STATES OF AMNESIA shows that strong ideas do survive." Keyframe (June 29, 2014)
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Resources for July 5, 2014
Top Films of 2010
Top Films of 2013
"Snowden, Greenwald, Wikileaks & the NSA." Media Roots (May 29, 2014)
"Glenn Greenwald: Constitutional and Civil Rights Lawyer/Journalist (Peace and Conflict Studies Archive)'" Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Hoberman, J. "Revolt on the Polar Express." The New York Review of Books (July 1, 2014)
Hudson, David. "Hoberman, Martin, Hartley: A holiday weekend briefing with a political bent." Keyframe (july 4, 2014)
Top Films of 2013
"Snowden, Greenwald, Wikileaks & the NSA." Media Roots (May 29, 2014)
"Glenn Greenwald: Constitutional and Civil Rights Lawyer/Journalist (Peace and Conflict Studies Archive)'" Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Hoberman, J. "Revolt on the Polar Express." The New York Review of Books (July 1, 2014)
Hudson, David. "Hoberman, Martin, Hartley: A holiday weekend briefing with a political bent." Keyframe (july 4, 2014)
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Resources for July 3, 2014
Top Films of 1948
Top Films of 1992
Top Films of 1996
Kuersten, Erich. "CinemArchetype #5: The Human Sacrifice." Acidemic (February 12, 2012)
Kell, Kathy, Miriam Nobre and Stella Soe. "Women Rising #25: Activists Against Global Armaments and War." Making Contact (July 1, 2014) ["Korean sister Stella Soh campaigns to save an UNESCO world heritage site from a planned military base. US activist Kathy Kelly founded Voices for Creative Nonviolence. And Brazilian Miriam Nobre works with the World March of Women."]
Jacobsen, Paul, et al. "Restorative Justice: Reconciling Face to Face." Making Contact (June 24, 2014) ["Victims and perpetrators sitting down face to face…it can help heal their wounds, and our society. Incarcerating our way out of crime clearly hasn’t worked, and it’s costing us billions. Meanwhile, school suspensions are reaching record highs. Now, Institutions across US are finally starting to consider problem solving methods other than punishment. Restorative justice is gaining ground–in the schools, and behind bars.
Klein, Mark. "Exclusive Interview with AT&T, NSA Whistleblower Mark Klein." Media Roots (June 25, 2014)
Kuersten, Erich. "CinemArchetype #6: The Intimidating Nymph." Acidemic (March 2, 2012)
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Resources for July 1, 2014
Dialogic Cinephilia archives:
L'avventura (Italy/France: Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960)
Top Films of 2012
Fairyington, Stephanie. "Two Decades After Brandon Teena's Murder, a Look Back at Falls City." The Atlantic (December 31, 2013)
Spriggs, Bianca. "Lexington Downtowners on the G Word: Gentrification." Ace Weekly (June 30, 2014)
Dean, Michelle. "A Treasury of Justice Ginsburg's Real Talk In Her Hobby Lobby Dissent." Gawker (June 30, 2014)
"Toronto G20, 4 years later: 18 disturbing facts [everyone] should know." cdnpoli (June 2014)
Dreyfuss, Ben. "Justice Ginsburg's Epic Hobby Lobby Dissent Was Just Turned Into the Best Song You'll Hear All Day." Mother Jones (July 1, 2014)
Smalley, G. "The American Astronaut 2001." 366 Weird Movies (August 15, 2012)
Elusive Lucidity: Best of 2013
L'avventura (Italy/France: Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960)
Top Films of 2012
Fairyington, Stephanie. "Two Decades After Brandon Teena's Murder, a Look Back at Falls City." The Atlantic (December 31, 2013)
Spriggs, Bianca. "Lexington Downtowners on the G Word: Gentrification." Ace Weekly (June 30, 2014)
Dean, Michelle. "A Treasury of Justice Ginsburg's Real Talk In Her Hobby Lobby Dissent." Gawker (June 30, 2014)
"Toronto G20, 4 years later: 18 disturbing facts [everyone] should know." cdnpoli (June 2014)
Dreyfuss, Ben. "Justice Ginsburg's Epic Hobby Lobby Dissent Was Just Turned Into the Best Song You'll Hear All Day." Mother Jones (July 1, 2014)
Smalley, G. "The American Astronaut 2001." 366 Weird Movies (August 15, 2012)
Elusive Lucidity: Best of 2013
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