Schehl, Matthew. "VIDEO: The Devastating Legacy Of Unexploded US Ordnance In Iraq." Mint Press News (January 2, 2015)

"Queensland environmental policy developed by QCoal worker, says report: Activists say the Queensland government was giving ‘keys to the blood bank to Dracula’." The Guardian (May 6, 2014)
Germanos, Andrea. "Protests Stop Drilling & Pipeline In Pennsylvania." Popular Resistance (January 6, 2015)
"Citizenfour producers sued for 'aiding' Edward Snowden: Suit charges Laura Poitras, Weinstein Company 'on behalf of American public.'" Vancouver Observer (December 23, 2014)
"Paris Office Attack: What We Know So Far." Sky News (January 7, 2015)
Lewis, Jeff. "Alberta oil firms keep pumping as prices collapse." The Globbe and Mail (January 6, 2015)
Powless, Irving, Jr. "Who Are These People? (The Onondaga Nation Encounters European Settlers)." Unwelcome Guests #302 (April 16, 2006) ["he collaborative educational project, sponsored by the Onandagas, Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation, and Syracuse University, is bringing together Ononadaga and other Haudenosaunee speakers, academics and community members to understand the history, culture and role that the six nations of Haudensaunee, also known as the Iroquois confederacy, have had on the US, and the effect of the US on the Haudenosaunee and other indigenous nations. This history has been taught to generations of school children in a heavily biased way - unquestioned were the rights of the so-called founding fathers, pilgrims, colonists, pioneers to what they did - wage a genocidal land grab perpetrated against innocent people. Manifest destiny, the doctrine used to justify this, was presented, during my education at least, as a positive development leading to American greatness."
Taibbi, Matt. "Police Now Citing 'Feelings' as Reason for Slowdown: The NYPD work stoppage dives deeper down the political rabbit-hole." Rolling Stone (January 6, 2015)
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