Abunimah, Ali. "The Economic Destruction of Gaza." TruthOut (April 10, 2014) ["The following excerpt focuses on how the Gaza Strip, decimated by attacks and a collective punishment imposed boycott by Israel, is becoming increasingly an economic appendage of Israel. In the process, the independent business and farming structure of Gaza is collapsing."]
Achcar, Gilbert. "‘Nothing mysterious about Islamic State.’" The News on Sunday (December 27, 2015)
Alexander, Elizabeth, Maya Angelou, and Arnold Rampersand. "W.E.B. Du Bois & the American Soul." On Being (January 7, 2016) ["One of the most extraordinary minds of American and global history, W.E.B. Du Bois penned the famous line that “the problem of the Twentieth Century is the problem of the color line.” He is a formative voice for many of the people who gave us the Civil Rights Movement. But his passionate, poetic words and intelligence continue to enliven 21st-century life on the color line and beyond it. We bring Du Bois’ life and ideas into relief — featuring one of the last interviews the great Maya Angelou gave before her death."]
Alexander, Michelle. "Introduction." The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. NY: The New Press, 2010: 1-19.
---. "The New Jim Crow." The UO Channel (November 15, 2012) ["For reasons that seem to have little to do with crime or crime rates, we in the United States have chosen to lock up more than two million of our citizens. The U.S. has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world, and it is continuing to rise. Michelle Alexander, a legal scholar and former civil rights attorney, examines this phenomenon, and offers her thoughts on what she believes to be the underlying racial biases that drive the U.S. criminal justice system. Alexander’s lecture ... will be based on her recent book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (2010)."]
Alexander, Niall. "Aman Iman: Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor." Tor (April 9, 2014)
---. "Applied Kant: The Thing Itself by Adam Roberts." Tor (December 17, 2015)
Anderson, C. W. "Print Culture 101: A Cheat Sheet and Syllabus." The Atlantic (August 18, 2010)
Annas, Julia. "What is Virtue Ethics For?." Philosophy Bites (December 20, 2014) ["Julia Annas outlines the key features of Virtue Ethics, the approach to living well derived from Aristotle's writings, and explains what she thinks the purpose of this ethical approach is."]
Anonymous (Global Decentralized Association of Activist Hackers) Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Arnove, Anthony and Viggo Mortensen. "10 Years of Howard Zinn’s Voices of a People’s History." Democracy Now (November 21, 2014)
Auiler, Dan, et al. "Vertigo." The Projection Booth #286 (August 30, 2016) ["Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo is a tale of obsession which has sparked an obsession in many of its viewers.Jimmy Stewart stars as John "Scottie" Ferguson, a disgraced detective who's hired by an old friend to follow his wife, Madeline (Kim Novak), who seems to have become possessed by a spirit from San Francisco's past. Professors Tania Modleski and Susan White (no relation) join Mike to discuss the film which was ranked as the best film in the world in a 2012 Sight & Sound poll. Authors Patrick McGilligan (Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light) and Dan Auiler (Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic)."]
Bacharach, Jacob. "Ben Carson Is Wrong About the Holocaust: Jews Did Fight Back." The New Republic (October 9, 2015)
Baldwin, Craig and Adam Parfrey. "Mock Up On Mu." The Projection Booth #116 (May 27, 2013) ["In the first of our two-part series on Scientology in Film, we look at Craig Baldwin's Mock Up on Mu, a story of sex magick, science fiction, and technology. We discuss Jack Parsons, one of the "characters" in Mock Up with Adam Parfrey of Feral House, the publishers of Sex & Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons. We also discuss Peter Alexander's The Profit, a re-telling of Scientology-founder L. Ron Hubbard's life, and compare it with Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master."]
Batchelor, Stephen. "The Limits of Belief, The Massiveness of the Questions." On Being (January 14, 2006) ["Stephen Batchelor’s “secular Buddhism” speaks to the mystery and vitality of spiritual life in every form. For him, secularism opens to doubt and questioning as a radical basis for spiritual life. Above all, he understands Buddhism without transcendent beliefs like “karma” or “reincarnation” to become something urgent to do, not to believe in."]
Bates, Rebecca. "Different Ways of Lying: An Interview with Jesse Ball." The Paris Review (April 3, 2014)
Benjamin, Walter. "Theses on the Philosophy of History." Illuminations Trans. Harry Zohn. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968: 253 - 264.
Bennis, Phyllis. "The Endless War Grows: Obama Sends U.S. Forces to Syria, Reversing Pledge of No Boots on the Ground." Democracy Now (November 2, 2015) ["The White House has announced a team of special operations forces numbering less than 50 will be sent to Syria. This marks the first sustained U.S. troop presence in Syria since President Obama launched a bombing campaign against the self-proclaimed Islamic State in September 2014. It’s also a reversal of Obama’s repeated promise of no U.S. boots on the ground in Syria, a pledge he also violated in Iraq. One day after the announcement, the United Nations and International Committee of the Red Cross made what they called an "unprecedented joint warning" for states to end wars, respect international law and aid the 60 million refugees made homeless from recent conflicts. We are joined by Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies, author of several books, including "Understanding ISIS and the New Global War on Terror.""]
Benton, Michael Dean. "The Many Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic." Politics and Culture #3 (2001)
---. ""Notes on Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophernia." Dialogic (February 20, 2014)
Benton, Michael Dean and Michael Marchman. "So long—it’s been good to know ya: Remembering Howard Zinn." North of Center (February 13, 2010)
Berger, Dan. "The Struggle Within." Stand Up Fight Back (December 17, 2014) ["We talk with Dan Berger, author of two new books. The primary focus of this show is "The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States", from PM Press. It is a look back at political prisoners and state repression from the last fifty years. ... his other book is "Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era", from UNC Press, he looks at the organizing by imprisoned black activists within and around prisons and the ways in which that struggle influenced and impacted generations of activists later."]
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. NY: Penguin Books, 1990.
Blum, William. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II." Common Courage Press, 2004.
Bortolotti, Lisa. "Irrationality." Philosophy Bites (March 19, 2015) ["We're all irrational some of the time. Yet many past philosophers have put a great emphasis on human rationality as what sets us apart, and even made it a condition of moral action. ... Lisa Bortolotti explores some different types of irrationality and the implications for human agency."]
Brotton, Jerry and Peter Frankopan. "Looking Eastwards: cultural exchange with the Islamic world." London School of Economics and Political Science (February 25, 2016) ["In this event we explore the rich interaction between east and west with Jerry Brotton, whose forthcoming book This Orient Isle: Elizabethan England and the Islamic World explores Elizabethan England's relations with the Muslim world, and Peter Frankopan, whose recent book The Silk Roads: A New History of the World looks at world history from the perspective of this trading route of culture and ideas."]
Brown, Barrett. "The Barrett Brown Review of Arts and Letters and Prison: Stop Sending Me Jonathan Franzen Novels." The Intercept (October 6, 2015)
Brown, Eric. "Plato's Ethics and Politics in The Republic." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Last revised August 31, 2009)
Brown, Jitu, et al. "When We Fight, We Win: New Book Showcases Social Movements & Activists Transforming the World." Democracy Now (January 5, 2016)
Brown, Wendy. "When Firms Become Persons and Persons Become Firms: Neoliberal Jurisprudence in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores>" The London School of Conomic and Political Science (July 1, 2015) ["In the United States, the extension of civil liberties to corporations is transforming democracy through rights adjudication. Best known in this regard is Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission, the 2010 Supreme Court decision permitting corporate funding to flood the U.S. electoral process on the basis of corporate rights to free speech. In 2014, Burwell vs Hobby Lobby granted firms the right to the free exercise of religion, and hence the ability to withhold insurance coverage of abortions and abortifacients for their employees. This lecture explores the neoliberal logic of the Hobby Lobby decision, makes an argument about the transformations of democracy these decisions entail, and concludes with a critique of Foucault’s formulation of the relation of law, state and economy in neoliberalism."]
Bush, George W., et al. "The Two Georges: A Dramatic Reading of George Orwell's Classic Work 1984 & Pres. George W. Bush." Democracy Now (June 25, 2003) ["On the 100th birthday of author and journalist George Orwell, we spend the hour featuring excerpts from his classic work, "1984," the book that introduced the terms "Big Brother," "thought police," "newspeak" and "doublethink." We broadcast portions of excerpts of 1984 read by Charles Morgan and June Foray and produced by Paul Vangelisti over a quarter of a century ago for Pacifica Radio. We also feature clips from President Bush, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Fox New’s Bill O’Relly, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Sen. Robert Byrd and broadcast footage of Donald Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein in 1983."]
Camia, Giovanni Marchini. "How to Teach Cinema." Keyframe (January 14, 2017) ["Because our children are being stabbed through their souls by insipid tentpoles."]
Cayley, David, et al. "How to Think About Science, Parts 1 - 24." Ideas (January 2, 2012) ["Modern societies have tended to take science for granted as a way of knowing, ordering and controlling the world. Everything was subject to science, but science itself largely escaped scrutiny. This situation has changed dramatically in recent years. Historians, sociologists, philosophers and sometimes scientists themselves have begun to ask fundamental questions about how the institution of science is structured and how it knows what it knows. David Cayley talks to some of the leading lights of this new field of study."]
"City Lights Resistance Reading List." Abandon All Despair Ye Who Enter Here (January 11, 2017)
Coates, Ta-Nehisi. "Bodily Safety: Ta-Nehisi Coates on Police Shootings." Making Contact (July 1, 2015) ["When journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates set out to write about police killings he went to visit Mable Jones. Back in 2000, Jones son, a friend of Coates from their time at Howard University, was shot and killed by police in Virginia. He was twenty five years old. Written in the form of a letter to his own teenage son, Coates’ book “Between the World and Me” puts police shootings in a wider context."]
---. "On Police Brutality: 'The Violence is Not New, It’s the Cameras That are New.'" Democracy Now (September 7, 2015) ["Ta-Nehisi Coates, author of an explosive new book about white supremacy and being black in America. Titled "Between the World and Me," it is written as a letter to his teenage son, Samori. In July, Ta-Nehisi Coates launched the book in his hometown of Baltimore. He spoke at the historic Union Baptist Church."]
---. "Reads from His Block-Buster Memoir Between the World and Me." Building Bridges (August 11, 2015) €["Readers of his work in The Atlantic (including his June 2014 feature The Case for Reparations) and elsewhere know Ta-Nehisi Coates for his thoughtful and influential writing on race in America. Written as a series of letters to his teenaged son, his new memoir, Between the World and Me, walks us through the course of his life, from his neighborhood in Baltimore in his youth, to Howard University—which Coates dubs “The Mecca” for its revelatory community of black students and teachers —to the broader Meccas of New York and Paris. Coates describes his observations and the evolution of his thinking on race, from Malcolm X to his conclusion that race itself is a fabrication, elemental to the concept of American (white) exceptionalism. Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, and South Carolina are not bumps on the road of progress and harmony, but the results of a systemized, ubiquitous threat to “black bodies” in the form of slavery, police brutality, and mass incarceration."]
Cobb, William Jelani and Orlando Patterson. "‘The Changing Same’: Race in America." Open Source (March 12, 2015)
The Corporation (Canada: Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbot, 2003: 145 mins)
Critchley, Simon. "On Suicide." Philosophy Bites (February 16, 2015)
Critchley, Simon, Brooke Gladstone and Eugene Thacker. "In the Dust of this Planet." Radiolab (September 8, 2014)
Curtis, Adam and John Taylor Gatto. "Slaphappiness Machines (Engineering America's Faux Democracy - Part 1)." Unwelcome Guests #315 (July 16, 2006)
---. "Ephors and Citizens (Engineering America's Faux Democracy - Part 2)." Unwelcome Guests #316 (July 23, 2006)
---. "The Policeman in Your Head (Engineering America's Faux Democracy - Part 3)." Unwelcome Guests #317 (July 30, 2006)
---. "Gilded Cage (Engineering America's Faux Democracy - Part 4)." Unwelcome Guests #318 (August 6, 2006)
Darnton, Robert The Great Cat Massacre: And Other Episodes in French Cultural History. Basic Books, 1999.
Davis, Wade. "The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World." (Posted on Youtube: June 20, 2013) ["Presenting at a plenary session of the 2013 Climate, Mind, & Behavior Symposium, anthropologist Wade Davis illuminates the need to embrace and celebrate the cultural and intellectual diversity that constitutes the totality of human experience, especially when considering fundamental questions of how we are to relate to our environment."]
Deb, Siddhartha and Arundhati Roy. "Capitalism: A Ghost Story." Bookforum (April 10, 2014)
Dirty Wars (USA/Afghanistan/Iraq/Kenya/Somalia/Yemen: Rick Rowley, 2013) Dirty Wars (Ongoing Archive) ["Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars."]
Doty, James. "The Magic Shop of the Brain." On Being (February 11, 2016) ["Brain surgeon James Doty is on the cutting edge of our knowledge of the brain and the heart: how they talk to each other; what compassion means in the body and in action; and how we can reshape our lives and perhaps our species through the scientific and human understanding we are now gaining. The backstory of James Doty’s passions is told in his memoir, Into the Magic Shop. In the summer of 1968, in the throes of a hardscrabble, perilous childhood, he wandered into a magic shop and met a woman named Ruth who taught him what she called “another kind of magic” that freed him from being a victim of the circumstances of his life, and that he now investigates through science."]
Douvaldzi, Charitini. "Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis." Entitled Opinions (May 29, 2007)
"Eduardo Galeano in Conversation: Children of the Days." We are Many (July 11, 2013) ["EDUARDO GALEANO is one of Latin America's most distinguished writers. He is the author of the three-volume Memory of Fire, as well as Open Veins of Latin America, Soccer in Sun and Shadow, Days and Nights of Love and War, The Book of Embraces, Walking Words, We Say No, Upside Down, Mirrors, and Voices of Time. Born in Montevideo in 1940, Galeano lived in exile in Argentina and Spain for years before returning to Uruguay in 1985. His work has been translated into thirty languages and he is the recipient of many international prizes, including the first Lannan Prize for Cultural Freedom, the American Book Award, the Casa de las Américas Prize, and the First distinguished Citizen of the region by the countries of Mercosur. An outspoken critic of the increasingly dehumanizing effects of globalization on modern society, Galeano has remained a passionate advocate for human rights and justice."]
Esposito, John L. "'You've Got to Be Taught to Hate and Fear': The Islamophobia Machine." Pluto Press Blog (February 1, 2017)
Federici, Silvia. Caliban and the Witch. Autonomedia, 2009.
Feldman, Karen. "Hannah Arendt." Entitled Opinions (May 15, 2007)
Fields, Barbara J., et al. "Race and the Race for the Whitehouse." Open Source (February 25, 2016)
"The Feynman Lectures on Physics, The Most Popular Physics Book Ever Written, Now Completely Online." Open Culture (August 26, 2014)
"Forrest Pritchard, Jim Naureckas." Ralph Nader Hour (October 24, 2015) ["Ralph talks to Forrest Pritchard about how he saved his family farm, and we also critique the corporate media with Jim Naureckas of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting."]
Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Trans. Alan Sheridan. Vintage Books, 1995.
Gabriella Coleman: Anthropology/Technology Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
"Gary Snyder and Wendell Berry with Jack Shoemaker." Lannan (November 10, 1999) ["Wendell Berry is a poet, essayist, and novelist, who has been called the “prophet of rural America.” Mr. Berry, who pursues what he calls “an ethic and way of life based upon devotion to a place and devotion to a land,” lives and works on his farm in Port Royal, Kentucky. He has published more than 30 books, including The Wheel, Sabbaths, and Openings (poetry); The Wild Birds, Watch with Me, and Remembering (fiction); and Another Turn of the Crank, What Are People For?, and The Unsettling of America (nonfiction). Gary Snyder is the author of nine books of poetry, including Mountains and Rivers Without End, No Nature, and Left out in the Rain. His prose works include A Place in Space, The Practice of the Wild, and Earth House Hold. Mr. Snyder’s work reflects his study of Eastern literature and culture, his commitment to the environment, and his concepts of humanity’s place in the cosmos. Born in San Francisco, Mr. Snyder lived in Japan for fourteen years, studying Zen Buddhism. He lives in Northern California and teaches at the University of California at Davis."]
Gatto, John Taylor. The Underground History of American Education: An Intimate Investigation into the Prison of Modern Schooling. (Entire book available on Internet Archive as a PDF: 2003)
Gatto, John Taylor, et al. "Why Do You Stay in Prison When the Door is Open?(The Market, the Gift, and the Destruction of Thought)." Unwelcome Guests #320 (August 20, 2006) ["Economics is usually spoken about as a subcategory of activity within the politics of society, but I would like to suggest that the economics of our society are the politics of our society - in that they create the type of political structures and institutions we have. Whereas it is usually said that we have a market economy, what we in fact have is a market society, a market government. Everything is shaped by that fact, even people's individual personalities and behavior, through the institutions of the society. The persistent social ills, poverty, war, violence, greed, waste, remain because they are intrinsic to the structure of markets, not aberrations within in it."]
Glenn Greenwald: Journalist & Constitutional and Civil Rights Lawyer Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Goodman, Amy. "The Silenced Majority: Stories of uprisings, occupations, resistance, and hope." We Are Many (June 26, 2014)
Gordon-Reed, Annette. "The Captive Aliens Who Remain Our Shame." The New York Review of Books (January 19, 2017)
Greenleaf, Monika. "Vladimir Nabokov." Entitled Opinions (December 13, 2005)
Gruber, Christiane and Muhammed S. Mehtar. "Picturing Muhammad." Radio West (January 19, 2015) ["... we're asking what Islam really says about images of the Prophet Muhammad. Of course, this is more than a theological exercise given the terrorist attack earlier ... on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. Art historian Christiane Gruber says an outright ban is really a modern notion and joins us to discuss how Islamic law has been interpreted throughout time and by various communities. We'll then talk with Salt Lake Imam Muhammed S. Mehtar to understand what the ban means to the faithful."]
Guillén, Michael. "Crafting Truth: James Vanderbilt." Keyframe (October 26, 2015)
Haag, Pamela. "The Gun Myth." To the Best of Our Knowledge (May 22, 2016) ["The Western. The 2nd Amendment. Guns are a part of our national DNA - like apple pie and baseball. Pamela Haag says not so fast. In her book "The Gunning of America," she argues that early gun barons --with iconic names like Colt and Remington -- created the American gun culture. She told Charles Monroe-Kane to look no further than the Rifle King himself, the manufacturer of the Winchester Repeater Rifle, Oliver Winchester."]
Hamington, Maurice. "Jane Addams (1860-1935)." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (No Date)
Hanh, Thich Nhat, Cheri Maples and Larry Ward. "Mindfulness, Suffering, and Engaged Buddhism." On Being (January 22, 2015) ["The Vietnamese Zen master, whom Martin Luther King nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, is a voice of power and wisdom in this time of tumult in the world. We visited Thich Nhat Hanh at a retreat attended by police officers and other members of the criminal justice system; they offer stark gentle wisdom for finding buoyancy and “being peace” in a world of conflict, anger, and violence."]
Hannah Arendt (Germany/Luxemborg/France: Margarethe von Trotta, 2012: 113 mins) Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Hari, Johann. "Everything We Know About the Drug War & Addiction is Wrong." Democracy Now (February 4, 2015)
Harris, Thomas. "The Political Novel." The London School of Economics & Political Science (February 23, 2016) ["Growing up on a Nottingham council estate, Robert Harris's burning ambition to write was matched only by his deep fascination with politics. Aged 30, he became political editor of The Observer; aged 35 he published Fatherland, in which he imagines a world in which the Nazis have won the war. It sold over 3 million copies. Harris was an early and enthusiastic backer of Tony Blair, but they fell out over the Iraq war, in the wake of which he wrote The Ghost, about a man murdered in the middle of ghost-writing the autobiography of a recently unseated Prime Minister. Last autumn, he published Dictator, the final book in a trilogy about Cicero. In conversation with Peter Kemp, Chief Fiction Reviewer of the Sunday Times, he explores his belief that politics is “the essence of life”, discusses which other writers have influenced him, and questions whether he was ever tempted to turn to parliament rather than the pen."]
Haverti-Stacke, Donna. "Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR." Law and Disorder Radio (December 28, 2015)
Hebdige, Dick. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. Routledge, 1979.
Hedges, Chris. "Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism." Truthdig (November 1, 2015)
---. "The Suicide of the Liberal Church." TruthDig (January 26, 2016)
Heller, Jason. "Finnish Authors Heat the Speculative Fiction World." NPR (January 24, 2016)
Hempton, Gordon. "The Last Quiet Places: Silence and the Presence of Everything." On Being (December 25, 2014) ["Silence is an endangered species, says Gordon Hempton. He defines real quiet as presence — not an absence of sound, but an absence of noise. The Earth, as he knows it, is a 'solar-powered jukebox.' Quiet is a 'think tank of the soul.'"]
Herman, Edward S. and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. (1988) NY: Pantheon, 2002.
Hinton, Matt. "The Money Bowl Two books probe the enormous commercial appeal of college football." Bookforum (January 2016)
Hodges, Andrew. "The Life of Alan Turing." Radio West (January 21, 2015) ["... we're talking about mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing. Our guest is biographer Andrew Hodges, whose book inspired the Academy Award-nominated film "The Imitation Game." Turing's code-breaking during World War II was a key to saving the Allies from the Nazis. But, he had a secret of his own, and was eventually arrested and persecuted for being gay. We'll talk to Hodges about Turing's extraordinary mind, his service and the life he couldn't live."]
Holloway, Jonathan. "AFAM 162 - African American History: From Emancipation to the Present." Open Yale Courses (Spring 2010) ["The purpose of this course is to examine the African American experience in the United States from 1863 to the present. Prominent themes include the end of the Civil War and the beginning of Reconstruction; African Americans’ urbanization experiences; the development of the modern civil rights movement and its aftermath; and the thought and leadership of Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X."]
Honwana, Alcinda. "Enough! Will Youth Protests Drive Political Change in Africa?" London School of Economic and Political Science (November 18, 2015) ["Disaffected African young people risk their lives to try to reach Europe. Others join radical groups such as Boko Haram, Al-Shabab and Islamic State. Angry young unemployed South Africans were behind xenophobic attacks there. Youth protesting their socio-economic and political marginalization have changed governments in Tunisia and Senegal. One-third of Africans are between the ages of 10 and 24 and they are better educated than their parents and have higher expectations, but they are less likely to have jobs or political influence. Young Africans are organizing in many ways, and are making their voices heard. How will they force governments to listen? "]
"How To Think about Science, Parts 1-24." Ideas (January 2, 2012) ["Modern societies have tended to take science for granted as a way of knowing, ordering and controlling the world. Everything was subject to science, but science itself largely escaped scrutiny. This situation has changed dramatically in recent years. Historians, sociologists, philosophers and sometimes scientists themselves have begun to ask fundamental questions about how the institution of science is structured and how it knows what it knows. David Cayley talks to some of the leading lights of this new field of study."]
Hudson, David. “Better Living Through Criticism: The critics on A.O. Scott’s 'intelligent, informed and often funny' new book." Keyframe (February 5, 2016)
Huff, Mickey. "Top Censored Stories Of 2015." Mint Press (October 7, 2015) ["Mass bee die-offs, the dizzying wealth of the world’s 1%, U.S. military expansion -- the corporate media might not be talking about it, but Project Censored’s Mickey Huff doesn’t shy away from discussing these topics with Mnar Muhawesh on “Behind the Headline.”"]
Huth, John Edward. "Losing Our Way in the World." The New York Times (July 21, 2013)
Jasanoff, Sheila. "Subjects of Reason: goods, markets and imaginaries of the global future." The London School of Economics & Political Science (January 21, 2016) ["The lecture will look at how discourses of exchange create commensurable systems of exchange across highly disparate regions and forms of life. Three legal encounters will be considered as points of friction: the creation of the single carbon market; the regulation of GMOs by the World Trade Organisation; and the Novartis-India litigation on the cancer drug Gleevec. Sheila Jasanoff (@SJasanoff) is Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies at the Harvard Kennedy School. A pioneer in her field, she has authored more than 100 articles and chapters and is author or editor of a dozen books, including Controlling Chemicals, The Fifth Branch, Science at the Bar, and Designs on Nature. Her work explores the role of science and technology in the law, politics, and policy of modern democracies, with particular attention to the nature of public reason."]
Jhally, Sut. "The Tough Guise 2." (Posted on Vimeo: 2013)
Johnson, Chalmers. "Our 'Managed Democracy.'" Truthdig (May 15, 2008)
Katz, Alyssa. "The U.S. Chamber of Commerce." Against the Grain (November 16, 2015) ["Lobbying group, aggressive litigator, political power broker, and media campaigner: the US Chamber of Commerce is all that and more. Yet its tremendous influence does not get the attention it merits, promoting corporate interests on behalf of anonymous donor companies. Journalist Alyssa Katz reflects on the immense power of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- how it came to be what it is today, who it represents, and the human costs of its influence. Alyssa Katz, The Influence Machine: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Corporate Capture of American Life Spiegel & Grau, 2015."]
Keeanga-Yamahtta, Taylor, Cornel West and Gary Younge. "A Dream Deferred? MLK, Trayvon, and the fight against racism today." We Are Many Media (August 27, 2013)
Keene, John. "Every Story Has a Twin." On the Media (September 25, 2015) ["John Keene's new book, Counternarratives, conjures the voices of people at the margins of history and puts them at the center. His stories cover sprawling historical and geographical ground, from an 18th century Parisian circus to early 20th century Harlem. Brooke talks with Keene about his collection, and we bring a few of his stories to life."]
Kennedy, A.L. "Sartre and the Individual." A History of Ideas (April 15, 2015) ["Writer AL Kennedy on Existentialist ideas about the individual. Jean Paul Sartre argued that, for humans, 'existence preceded essence'. This means that there is no blueprint or template from which to work - humans are free to make themselves up as they go along. Being an individual comes from the way you negotiate this freedom and the choices you make in the face of it."]
Kilkenny, Katie. "Geeking Out to Hitchcock/Truffaut." Los Angeles Review of Books (December 5, 2015)
Kimmelman, Michael. "Van Gogh: The Courage & the Cunning." The New York Review of Books (February 5, 2015)
Klein, Naomi. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Metropolitan Books, 2007. ["Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine advances a truly unnerving argument: historically, while people were reeling from natural disasters, wars and economic upheavals, savvy politicians and industry leaders nefariously implemented policies that would never have passed during less muddled times. As Klein demonstrates, this reprehensible game of bait-and-switch isn't just some relic from the bad old days. It's alive and well in contemporary society, and coming soon to a disaster area near you." - Kim Hughes]
---. "On Paris Summit: Leaders' Inaction on Climate Crisis is 'Violence' Against the Planet." Democracy Now (November 30, 2015)
Korsgaard, Christine. "On the Status of Animals." Philosophy Bites (February 3, 2015) ["Harvard philosopher Christine Korsgaard defends a Kantian account of the status of animals in this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast. She argues that we should treat animals as ends in themselves and spells out what that means in practice."]
Krajicek, David J. "7 Toxic Assaults on Communities of Color Besides Flint: The Dirty Racial Politics of Pollution." Alternet (January 23, 2016) ["The lead poisoning of children in Flint is only the latest example of environmental racism in the U.S."]
Krugman, Paul. "Robert Reich: Challenging the Oligarchy." The New York Review of Books (December 17, 2015)
---. "Why We're in a New Gilded Age." The New York Review of Books (May 8, 2014)
Kundani, Arun. "Islamophobia 2016." Law and Disorder (January 4, 2016)
Lee, Erika, et al. "#ImmigrationSyllabus." Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota and the Immigration and Ethnic History Society (January 26, 2017) ["Essential topics, readings, and multimedia that provide historical context to current debates over immigration reform, integration, and citizenship"]
LeGuin, Ursula. The Dispossessed. (1974 novel available on Anarchist Library).
Leopold, Aldo. "Thinking Like a Mountain." (1949) Sand County Almanac Oxford University Press, 1987: 129-133.
Lessig, Lawrence, et al. "Hacking the Constitution." Open Source (February 18, 2016) ["How is it that we love the Constitution, and hate the government it gave us?"]
Levinson, Meira. "On the Aims of Education." Philosophy Bites (January 18, 2015) ["Historically the philosophy of education has been at the core of the subject. Today there are relatively few philosophers working in this area. Meira Levinson, a philosopher with experience of teaching in US public schools, is one of them. Here she discusses fundamental questions about what we are trying to do when we educate our children."]
Lewis, John. "The Art & Discipline of Nonviolence." On Being (January 15, 2015) ["We take in the extraordinary wisdom of Congressman John Lewis, on what happened in Selma on Bloody Sunday and beyond — and how it might inform our common life today. A rare look inside the civil rights leaders’ spiritual confrontation with themselves — and their intricate art of nonviolence."]
Linebaugh, Peter. "What Do 800-Year-Old Magna Carta & Black Lives Matter Have in Common? A People’s Historian Explains." Democracy Now (June 15, 2015)
Linebaugh, Peter and Mark Rediker. The Many Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2000.
Loewen, James W. "1493: The True Importance of Christopher Columbus." Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. The New Press, 2008: 29-65.
---. "Handicapped by History: The Process of Hero-making." Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. The New Press, 2008: 9-28.
Longo, Stefano B. "Commodifying the Oceans." Against the Grain (October 19, 2015) ['The oceans are in turmoil, but unfortunately most of it is out of sight and therefore out of mind. Environmental sociologist Stefano Longo explores the multiple threats to the oceans, from overfishing to coral reef collapse to ocean acidification. He weighs in on whether the notion of the “tragedy of the commons” is sufficient to explain the roots of the crisis."]
Mackenzie, Scott, ed. Film Manifestos and Global Cinema Cultures: A Critical Anthology. University of California Press, 2014.
Marcum, James A. "Thomas S. Kuhn (1922—1996)." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (no date)
Martin, Courtney and Parker Palmer. "The Inner Life of Rebellion." On Being (January 8, 2015) ["The history of rebellion is rife with excess and burnout. But new generations have a distinctive commitment to be reflective and activist at once, to be in service as much as in charge, and to learn from history while bringing very new realities into being. Journalist and entrepreneur Courtney Martin and Quaker wise man Parker Palmer come together for a cross-generational conversation about the inner work of sustainable, resilient social change."]
Martin, James. "Finding God in All Things." On Being (December 18, 2014) ["Before Pope Francis, James Martin was perhaps the best-loved Jesuit in American life. He’s followed the calling of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, to “find God in all things” — and in 21st-century forms. To delve into Fr. Martin's way of being in the world is to discover the "spiritual exercises" St. Ignatius designed to be accessible to everyone more than six centuries ago."]
Matthews, Joseph. "The Boy Who Shot a Nazi Official." Against the Grain (November 10, 2015) ["Seventy-seven years ago, the Nazis unleashed a pogrom, known as Kristallnacht, against Jews living in Germany. They claimed that it was a response to the assassination a few days earlier of a German consular official in Paris by a Jewish teenager. Writer Joseph Matthews explores the intriguing life and times of Herschel Grynszpan, the 17-year-old assassin. He also discusses the plight of refugees in Europe, then and now."]
Mayer, Danny. "Richard Florida’s Creative Bullshit." North of Center (April 9, 2010)
McCormick, John P. "Carl Schmitt and Technology." Cultural Technologies #8 ["John P. McCormick, author of CARL SCHMITT'S CRITIQUE OF LIBERALISM: AGAINST POLITICS AS TECHNOLOGY, discusses renowned political theorist and fascist Carl Schmitt's troubling critique of liberal politics. We also discuss technology, Martin Heidegger, the Weimar Republic, Catholicism, Marxism, and why climate change can't be solved by a czar."]
McCrary, Micah. "“My Story Doesn’t Begin When I Was Born”: Micah McCrary Interviews José Orduña." Los Angeles Review of Books (January 14, 2017)
McGowan, David. "Classic Rock Conspiracy Theory: ‘Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon,’ the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream." Dangerous Minds (March 28, 2014)
McNally, David. "Remembering Ellen Meiksins Wood." Against the Grain (February 1, 2016) ["Ellen Meiksins Wood upended the ways that Marxist thinkers look at class society and democracy, past and present. Her work shed new light on political theory, the origins of capitalism, and the politics of the left, among many other key themes. David McNally reflects on the pioneering political theorist and historian, who died two and a half weeks ago. And we rebroadcast excerpts of an interview with Meikins Wood about imperialism and capitalism."]
Melas, Natalie. "Aimé Césaire and the Poetics of Anticolonialism." Against the Grain (September 14, 2015) ["Francophone poet, playwright, intellectual, and politician, Aimé Césaire was a fierce critic of the colonial condition and a modernist trailblazer. Scholar Natalie Melas considers the politics and poetics of the Martiniquan writer, arguably the greatest poet of anticolonialism and decolonization. She discusses Césaire's central involvement in the Négritude movement, his celebrated poem "Notebook of a Return to the Native Land," and his influence on Frantz Fanon."]
Mendelson, Edward. "The Secret Auden." The New York Review of Books (March 20, 2014)
Mitchell, W.J.T. "Iconology Today." Cultural Technologies #6 (April 12, 2012) ["Literary critic and theorist of visual culture WJT Mitchell talks to us about his classic book Iconology, as well the fear of images, John Locke, digital media, ideology, the life of images, images as life, and more."]
Mohawk, John and David Noble. "Turning History Inside Out to Put the Future Right Side Up (Native Values versus The Promised Land)." Unwelcome Guests #310 (June 11, 2006) ["Our main speaker this week, John Mohawk, gives an unusual perspective on the history of colonisation. The contact with native peoples confronted the European invaders with a contradiction. How could a complex society exist without a hierarchy and a powerful government? Questioning the necessity of coercion in Europe was an unwelcome thought. Some Europeans, he recounts, were attracted to the native Indians and sought to understand their ideas. Others decided to use violence to destroy the counter-example of a non-hierarchical social system. For the last 20 minutes of our show this week, we start a read of David Noble's Beyond The Promised Land - The Movement and The Myth. The prologue tells the epic of Gilgamesh as an introduction to its deconstruction of Western ideas of progress."]
Morena, Carolina. "Junot Diaz On Why It's So Important To Read Authors Who Don't Look Like You." The Huffington Post (October 2, 2015) [""You look at this country and you look at this world and you need to understand it in complex ways."]
Muller, Eddie. "Gun Crazy." The Cinephiliacs #73 (January 21, 2016) ["If one were to imagine the cinema of the 1940s, the likely images would be of lonely streets, men in trenchcoats, and slender blondes lighting cigarettes while drenched in shadow. The French coined a term for it: film noir, and since then it has been a gateway drug for many cinephiles interested in classical Hollywood's most lurid pictures. Eddie Muller has been called the Czar of Noir, and he deserves the title: he heads programming for Noir City, a San Francisco based film festival that presents the city with the best of noir movies, and then heads the Film Noir Foundation to discover those lost works that no one even knows. Eddie talks about his entrance into the world of film in SF's many rep screenings and his tutelage under avant-garde artists George Kuchar, before turning to writing about the world of grindhouse movies and this lost genre. Finally, Peter and Eddie look at one of the canonical films of this era, Gun Crazy, and explore the strange production story behind one of the most violent-obsessed movies ever made. ... Eddie's books include Grindhouse: The Forbidden World of Adults Only Cinema, Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir, The Art of Noir, and Gun Crazy: The Origin of American Outlaw Cinema."]
Nace, Ted. The Gangs of America: The Rise of Corporate Power and the Disabling of Democracy. Berrrett-Koehler Press, 2003.
Naomi Klein: Journalist Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Nguyen, Nicole. "Teaching Homeland Security." Against the Grain (January 9, 2017) ["According to Nicole Nguyen, national security-related agencies and companies are drawing young people into a mindset of militarism and war via their involvement in homeland security programs, which have been established in dozens of public schools in the U.S. Nguyen did ethnographic work at one such high school; she reveals what the students are taught and what values and beliefs they are encouraged to adopt. Nicole Nguyen, A Curriculum of Fear: Homeland Security in U.S. Public Schools University of Minnesota Press, 2016"]
Nicholls, Tracey. "Frantz Fanon (1925—1961)." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (No Date) ["Frantz Fanon was one of a few extraordinary thinkers supporting the decolonization struggles occurring after World War II, and he remains among the most widely read and influential of these voices. His brief life was notable both for his whole-hearted engagement in the independence struggle the Algerian people waged against France and for his astute, passionate analyses of the human impulse towards freedom in the colonial context. ... Tracing the development of his writings helps explain how and why he has become an inspirational figure firing the moral imagination of people who continue to work for social justice for the marginalized and the oppressed. Fanon’s first work Peau Noire, Masques Blancs (Black Skin, White Masks) was his first effort to articulate a radical anti-racist humanism that adhered neither to assimilation to a white-supremacist mainstream nor to reactionary philosophies of black superiority. While the attention to oppression of colonized peoples that was to dominate his later works was present in this first book, its call for a new understanding of humanity was undertaken from the subject-position of a relatively privileged Martinican citizen of France, in search of his own place in the world as a black man from the French Caribbean, living in France. His later works, notably L’An Cinq, de la Révolution Algérienne (A Dying Colonialism) and the much more well-known Les Damnés de la Terre (The Wretched of the Earth), go beyond a preoccupation with Europe’s pretensions to being a universal standard of culture and civilization, in order to take on the struggles and take up the consciousness of the colonized “natives” as they rise up and reclaim simultaneously their lands and their human dignity. It is Fanon’s expansive conception of humanity and his decision to craft the moral core of decolonization theory as a commitment to the individual human dignity of each member of populations typically dismissed as “the masses” that stands as his enduring legacy."]
Nightingale, Andrea. "Epicurus and Epicureanism." Entitled Opinions (November 8, 2005)
Noam Chomsky: Linguist/Political Economy/History/Philosopher/Cognitive Scientist Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Older, Daniel José. "The real censorship in children's books: smiling slaves is just the half of it." The Guardian (January 29, 2016)
Oliver, Mary. "Listening to the World." On Being (February 5, 2015)
O'Mara, Shane. Why Torture Doesn't Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation. Harvard University Press, 2015.
---. "Reviews Mein Kampf: “He Envisages a Horrible Brainless Empire” (1940)." Open Culture (August 19, 2014)
Parijs, Philippe Van and Yannick Vanderborght. Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy. Harvard University Press, 2017.
Pekron, Rebecca. "Edgar Allan Poe." Entitled Opinions (December 9, 2015)
Peled, Miko. "The General’s Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine." Law and Disorder Radio (December 28, 2015)
Pepe, Michael. "Eating, sleeping and watching movies in the shadow of what they do: Representing capitalism in post 2008 popular films." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Berret-Koehler, 2004.
Perkowitz, Sidney. "The Technological Singularity and Machines of Loving Grace : The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots." The Los Angeles Review of Books (February 18. 2016)
Peters, Justin. "The Wunderkind of the Free Culture Movement." On the Media (January 15, 2016) ["Three years ago this week, 26-year-old software developer and political activist Aaron Swartz killed himself in his Brooklyn apartment. He had been indicted on federal charges after illegally downloading 4.8 million articles from JSTOR, a database of academic journals, and potentially faced a million dollar fine and decades in jail. While his death made headline news, Swartz had long been an Internet folk hero and a fierce advocate for the free exchange of information. In a new book, The Idealist, writer Justin Peters places Swartz within the fraught, often colorful, history of copyright in America. Brooke talks with Peters about Swartz's legacy and the long line of "data moralists" who came before him."]
Popova, Maria. "20-Year-Old Hunter S. Thompson’s Superb Advice on How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life." Brain Pickings (November 4, 2013)
---. "Aldous Huxley on Drugs, Democracy, and Religion." Brain Pickings (March 25, 2014)
---. "The Hidden Brain: How Ocean Currents Explain Our Unconscious Social Biases." Brain Pickings (April 9, 2014)
---. "Intuition Pumps: Daniel Dennett on the Dignity and Art-Science of Making Mistakes." Brain Pickings (May 29, 2013)
---. "Vladimir Nabokov on Writing, Reading, and the Three Qualities a Great Storyteller Must Have." Brain Pickings (February 21, 2014)
---. "Why Look at Animals: John Berger on What Our Relationship with Our Fellow Beings Reveals About Us." Brain Pickings (April 1, 2014)
---. "Why We Ignore the Obvious: The Psychology of Willful Blindness." Brain Pickings (August 27, 2014)
Postrel, Virginia. "Decoding Glamour." London School for Economics and Political Science (July 2, 2015) ["Drawing on her path-breaking new book, The Power of Glamour: Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion, Virginia Postrel cracks the code of this mysterious and surprisingly pervasive phenomenon. She identifies the three essential elements in all forms of glamour and explains how they work to create a distinctive sensation of projection and yearning."]
Potter, Gary. "Absolute Capitalism, Mass Murder, and Suicide." Uprooting Criminology (January 4, 2016)
Raboteau, Albert. "Fannie Lou Hamer and Thomas Merton." Against the Grain (January 11, 2017)
["Fannie Lou Hamer and Thomas Merton were both, as Albert Raboteau puts it, religious radicals. Hamer became an outspoken advocate for racial and social justice; she risked her life to secure voting rights and political equality for African Americans. Thomas Merton was a Catholic contemplative who spoke out forcefully against racism, militarism, and rampant consumerism. Albert Raboteau, American Prophets: Seven Religious Radicals and Their Struggle for Social and Political Justice Princeton University Press, 2016."]
"Read 9 Books Free by Noam Chomsky." Open Culture (May 8, 2014)
Reid, Azan, Heather Ann Thompson and Bruce Western. "After Attica." Open Source (March 6, 2015) ["We’re revisiting the Attica prison revolt in 1971. It began as a civil rights protest and ended in a massacre when Governor Nelson Rockefeller ordered his state troopers to teargas the prisoners and open fire. In the story only now coming clear, Attica marks the twilight of the civil rights movement and the dawn of mass incarceration."]
Rich, Nathaniel. "The Passion of Pasolini." The New York Review of Books (September 27, 2007)
Richardson, Vanessa and Carter Roy. "Leon Trotsky." Remarkable Lives, Tragic Deaths (January 24, 2017) ["Leon Trotsky's Marxist writings and powerful speeches made him a leading figure in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and later, a Communist tyrant. He was known as a brilliant, arrogant intellectual, but ideological differences with Joseph Stalin led to his assassination in 1940. Trotsky published hundreds of articles, over forty books, and stood by his ideals until the end."]
Robin, Marie-Monique. The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption and the Control of the World's Food Supply. Trans. by George Holoch. NY: The New press, 2010.
Rohde, Stephen. "Big Brother Is Watching You: Is America at Risk of Becoming Orwell’s Nightmare?" Los Angeles Review of Books (January 6, 2015)
Roos, Jerome. "In each other we trust: Coining alternatives to capitalism." ROAR (March 31, 2014)
Rosen, Jay. "Plagiarism charges against Monica Crowley put her publishing house on stage." Press Think (January 7, 2017)
Roth, Kenneth. "Obama & Counterterror: The Ignored Record." The New York Review of Books (February 5, 2015)
Ryan, Christopher and Cacilda Jethá. Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality. Harper Collins, 2010.
Saint-Amand, Pierre. "The Dark Side of the French Enlightenment." Entitled Opinions (May 22, 2007)
Shapin, Steven and Simon Schaffer. "How to Think About Science #1: Leviathan and the Air Pump Ideas (January 2, 2009) ["In 1985 a book appeared that changed the way people thought about the history of science. Until that time, the history of science had usually meant biographies of scientists, or studies of the social contexts in which scientific discoveries were made. Scientific ideas were discussed, but the procedures and axioms of science itself were not in question. This changed with the publication of Leviathan and the Air Pump, subtitled Hobbes, Boyle and the Experimental Life, the book's avowed purpose was - "to break down the aura of self-evidence surrounding the experimental way of producing knowledge." This was a work, in other words, that wanted to treat something obvious and taken for granted - that matters of fact are ascertained by experiment - as if it were not at all obvious; that wanted to ask, how is it actually done and how do people come to agree that it has truly been done. The authors of this pathbreaking book were two young historians, Steven Shapinand Simon Schaffer, and both have gone on to distinguished careers in the field they helped to define, science studies."]
Sheehan, Thomas. "The Historical Jesus and the Resurrection." Entitled Opinions (January 31 and April 18, 2006)
Shelton, Syd. Rock Against Racism Photographs (Facebook: Posted on October 15, 2015)
Simpson, Christopher. Science of Coercion: Communication Research & Psychological Warfare, 1945-1960. Oxford University Press, 1996. [Professor has a copy of the book]
Sinclair, Upton. Oil! libcom (1927 novel: "The loose source for the film There Will Be Blood, Oil! pits oil tycoon father against socialist sympathetic son in the
midst of the Teapot Dome Scandal and unionising trouble on the fields."]
Singham, Mano. "Sam Harris gets schooled by Noam Chomsky." Free Thought Blogs (May 6, 2015)
Smith, Andrea. "Preface" to The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence within Activist Communities. AK Press (August 22, 2016) [Mentioned in Corinne Manning's "Ideal Lover." (2017)]
Smith, Imogen Sara. "In a Lonely Place." The Cinephiliacs #28 (November 17, 2013) ["While it can be fun to talk to critics who spend their time keeping up with contemporary cinema, Peter is glad to bring on Imogen Sara Smith, who has always dived into cinema's past worlds. The author of Buster Keaton: The Persistence of Comedy and In Lonely Places: Film Noir Beyond the City talks about her initial love of film via the Great Stoneface, her desire to write long in order to thoroughly engage with a topic, and her love of Pre-Code's subversive pleasures. The two also dive deeply into the many ends and odds of the strange cycle of film noir, engaging with questions of genre, psychology, and some underrated hits, before ending with one of noir's canonical masterpieces: Nicholas Ray's In A Lonely Place, a film so brutal in its depiction of love by being at first so intoxicating."]
Snyder, Timothy. "Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning." The London School of Economics and Political Science (September 14, 2015) ["In this lecture Timothy Snyder (@TimothyDSnyder) will talk about his new book, Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning, in which he argues we have missed basic lessons of the history of the Holocaust, and that some of our beliefs are frighteningly close to the panic that Hitler expressed in the 1920’s. As ideological and environmental challenges to the world order mount, our societies might be more vulnerable than we would like to think."]
Steele, Jonathan. "The Syrian Kurds are Winning!" The New York Review of Books (December 3, 2015)
Steingraber, Sandra. "Living Downstream - creating a world free of cancer causing toxics." Making Contact (July 22, 2015) ["Renowned biologist Sandra Steingraber has made fighting environmentally induced cancers her lifes work. Steingraber’s book, Living Downstream, has been turned into a movie chronicling a year in her life trying to create a world free of cancer causing toxics. On this edition, we hear excerpts of the documentary film, Living Downstream."]
Strahan, Jonathan and Gary K. Wolfe. "Politics and Science Fiction." The Coode Street Podcast (January 29, 2017) ["This week we return to the Gershwin Room to discuss what we’ve been reading lately, what we’re anticipating, what do you when you encounter a story by an idol or a good friend which isn’t quite up to standard, and what the state of political science fiction is, with both Orwell’s 1984 and Sinclair Lewis’s It Can’t Happen Here returning to the U.S. bestseller lists for the first time in decades. We also discuss political action within the science fiction field towards the end of the podcast, and touch on Norman Spinrad's new novel."]
Strahan, Jonathan, et al. "Kim Stanley Robinson's Aurora." The Coode Street Podcast (August 28, 2015)
Suskind, Owen, Ron Suskind and Roger Ross Williams. "Life, Animated: A Remarkable Story of How a Family Reached Their Autistic Son Through Disney Movies." Democracy Now (January 27, 2016)
Suskind, Ron and Cornelia Suskind. "Jucervose." Radiolab (September 19, 2014) ["In this episode, the Suskind family finds an unlikely way to access their silent son's world. We set off to figure out what their story can tell us about Autism, a disorder with a wide spectrum of symptoms and severity. Along the way, we speak to specialists, therapists, and advocates including Simon Baron-Cohen, Barry and Raun Kaufmann, Dave Royko, Geraldine Dawson, Temple Grandin, and Gil Tippy."]
Talbot, David. "Inside Allan Dulles' Reign as CIA Director, from '54 Guatemala Coup to Plotting Castro's Overthrow." Democracy Now (October 19, 2015) ["Voters go to the polls in Guatemala on Sunday to elect a new president after a popular uprising led to President Otto Pérez Molina’s resignation and jailing. We speak with journalist and historian David Talbot, author of "The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government," about the role Allen Dulles and his brother, then-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, played in the CIA’s 1954 coup in the country, the ramifications of which are still being felt. "The CIA and Allen Dulles told Eisenhower after the Guatemala coup, 'Oh, it was a clean coup. You know, hardly anyone died,'" Talbot said. "But the fact is, tens of thousands of people died in the killing fields of Guatemala as a result of that coup, and that violence continues today.""]
---. "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles." Democracy Now (October 13, 2015) ["It’s been more than 50 years since Allen Dulles resigned as director of the CIA, but his legacy lives on. Between 1953 and 1961, under his watch, the CIA overthrew the governments of Iran and Guatemala, invaded Cuba, and was tied to the killing of Patrice Lumumba, Congo’s first democratically elected leader. We speak with David Talbot, author of "The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government," about how Dulles’ time at the CIA helped shape the current national security state."]
Taylor, Jeremy. "Your Body by Darwin." The London School of Economics and Political Science (January 19, 2016) ["An evolutionary understanding of our bodies throws new light on why we get ill and how to cure disease. Jeremy Taylor reveals compelling insights from the rapidly developing field of Darwinian medicine. Jeremy Taylor has enjoyed a long career in BBC public broadcasting, specialising in science. Now a science writer, this lecture is based on his second book Body by Darwin."]
Thompson, Heather Ann. "Blood in the Water: An Author's Response." AAIHS (January 27, 2017) ["This is the final day of our roundtable on Heather Ann Thompson’s book, Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy. On Sunday, Michael Ezra introduced the roundtable and Kali Nicole Gross discussed how to approach trauma in historical writing. On Monday, Dan Berger described the book’s value within the historiography of the carceral state. On Tuesday, Danielle McGuire related Blood in the Water to a history of resistance. On Wednesday, Robert Chase placed the Attica Prison Uprising within a broader political movement. On Thursday, we featured posts from two historians, LaShawn Harris and Russell Rickford, who reflected on the legacy of the Attica Prison Uprising. In today’s final post, Dr. Thompson responds to the roundtable."]
Torture in United States Prisons: Evidence of Human Rights Violations. 2nd Edition. Ed. Bonnie Kerness. Newark, NJ: American Friends Service Committee, 2011.
Toxic Sludge is Good For You (Media Education Foundation: Loretta Alper & Sut Jhally, 2002: 45 mins) ["While advertising is the visible component of the corporate system, perhaps even more important and pervasive is its invisible partner, the public relations industry. This video illuminates this hidden sphere of our culture and examines the way in which the management of "the public mind" has become central to how our democracy is controlled by political and economic elites. Toxic Sludge Is Good For You illustrates how much of what we think of as independent, unbiased news and information has its origins in the boardrooms of the public relations companies."]
Tracy, James. "Dispatches Against Displacement." Stand Up Fight Back (November 5, 2014) ["A housing activist in the Bay Area since before Google existed, Tracy excavates that history, exploring the battle for urban space—public housing residents fighting austerity, militant housing takeovers, the vagaries of federal and state housing policy, as well as showdowns against gentrification in the Mission District. From these experiences, Dispatches Against Displacement draws out a vision of what alternative urbanism might look like if our cities were developed by and for the people who bring them to life and keep them running."]
Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt. "In Capitalism's Ruins." Against the Grain (February 3, 2016) ["How should we think about nature and our own lives in the ruins created by capitalism? Anthropologist Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing reflects on how the matsutake mushroom -- which thrives in forests degraded by commercial logging -- helps us understand the precarity of life under capitalism and the possibilities for life beyond it."]
Waldman, Katy. "What I Learned From Joining Emma Watson’s 'Feminist Book Club.'” Browbeat (February 2, 2016)
Wallach, Lori. "TransCanada Sues the U.S. for $15B for Rejecting Keystone XL. Will This Be the New Normal Under TPP?" Democracy Now (January 7, 2016)
Watt, James. "Business for Punks." London School of Economics and Political Science (January 19, 2016) ["BrewDog has been built in an unconventional way, borne out of boredom with conventional lagers and a desire to enjoy great craft beer. Their business philosophy will be outlined in five key themes, underpinned in the new book Business for Punks. In this lecture, James will go into detail."]
Watts, Michael. "Boko Haram and MEND." Against the Grain (January 25, 2016) ["Boko Haram has wreaked havoc in Nigeria, killing thousands of people and displacing perhaps two million. Michael Watts explains the emergence and trajectory of Boko Haram; he also discusses the origins of MEND, a separate homegrown insurgency that's taken shape in the oil-rich but poverty-ridden Niger Delta."]
Webber, Jonathan. "Deception with Words." Philosophy Bites (March 1, 2015)
Wenar, Leif. "Trade and Tyranny." Philosophy Bites (January 10, 2016) ["Does it matter where our oil and other resources come from? Leif Wenar, author of the recent book Blood Oil, argues that Western democracies are compromising themselves by buying oil either directly or indirectly from tyrants with atrocious records on human rights. There is a strong case against these trade relationships, and, practically, they could be ended very swiftly."]
Winkler, Adam. "The Untold Story of Guns." On the Media (January 8, 2016)
Wolin, Sheldon. Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism. Princeton University Press, 2008.
Wolin, Sheldon. Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Thought. 2nd ed. Princeton University Press, 2004.
"The Women of the Avant-Garde: An Introduction Featuring Audio by Gertrude Stein, Kathy Acker, Patti Smith & More." Open Culture (August 5, 2015)
"Working Class Literature: Reading Guide." libcom (April 15, 2013)
Worthington, Andy. "The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Prisoners in America's Illegal Prison. Pluto Press, 2007. [Andy Worthington's website page for the book and further resources]
Wu, Tim. "The Attention Merchants." Radio West (November 14, 2016) ["Wherever you turn these days, commercials, sponsored social media, and other advertising efforts await your attention. The influential thinker Tim Wu says we have the “attention merchants” to thank for that. In a new book, Wu argues that the concerted efforts of advertisers to attract our attention at every opportunity has made us more distracted and less focused than ever before."]
Zimring, Franklin M. When Police Kill. Harvard University Press, 2017.
Zinn, Howard. "A People’s History of the United States, 1492-Present." Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2005.
--. The Twentieth Century: A People's History Harper-Perennial, 2003 (audio version).
Zirin, Dave. "Brazil's Dance with the Devil." We are Many (June 26, 2014) ["Brazil is experiencing its largest protests in decades. These protests are strongly interwoven with anger toward the 2014 The World Cup and 2016 Rio Olympics. Hear acclaimed sports writer Dave Zirin explain why you have to know Brazil’s past to understand its present, at the Chicago book launch of his new book Brazil’s Dance with the Devil: The World Cup, the Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy."]
Archive in Focus: Syd Shelton, Rock against Racism from Autograph ABP on Vimeo.
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