Monday, November 16, 2015

Resources for November 16, 2015

Nicholls, Tracey. "Frantz Fanon (1925—1961)." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (No Date) ["Frantz Fanon was one of a few extraordinary thinkers supporting the decolonization struggles occurring after World War II, and he remains among the most widely read and influential of these voices. His brief life was notable both for his whole-hearted engagement in the independence struggle the Algerian people waged against France and for his astute, passionate analyses of the human impulse towards freedom in the colonial context. ... Tracing the development of his writings helps explain how and why he has become an inspirational figure firing the moral imagination of people who continue to work for social justice for the marginalized and the oppressed. Fanon’s first work Peau Noire, Masques Blancs (Black Skin, White Masks) was his first effort to articulate a radical anti-racist humanism that adhered neither to assimilation to a white-supremacist mainstream nor to reactionary philosophies of black superiority. While the attention to oppression of colonized peoples that was to dominate his later works was present in this first book, its call for a new understanding of humanity was undertaken from the subject-position of a relatively privileged Martinican citizen of France, in search of his own place in the world as a black man from the French Caribbean, living in France. His later works, notably L’An Cinq, de la Révolution Algérienne (A Dying Colonialism) and the much more well-known Les Damnés de la Terre (The Wretched of the Earth), go beyond a preoccupation with Europe’s pretensions to being a universal standard of culture and civilization, in order to take on the struggles and take up the consciousness of the colonized “natives” as they rise up and reclaim simultaneously their lands and their human dignity. It is Fanon’s expansive conception of humanity and his decision to craft the moral core of decolonization theory as a commitment to the individual human dignity of each member of populations typically dismissed as “the masses” that stands as his enduring legacy."]

Berger, Dan. "The Struggle Within." Stand Up Fight Back (December 17, 2014) ["We talk with Dan Berger, author of two new books. The primary focus of this show is "The Struggle Within: Prisons, Political Prisoners, and Mass Movements in the United States", from PM Press. It is a look back at political prisoners and state repression from the last fifty years. ... his other book is "Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era", from UNC Press, he looks at the organizing by imprisoned black activists within and around prisons and the ways in which that struggle influenced and impacted generations of activists later."]

Gourevitch, Philip. "The Paris Attacks: Aftermath and Prelude." The New Yorker (November 14, 2015)

Greenwald, Glenn. "Exploiting Emotions About Paris to Blame Snowden, Distract from Actual Culprits Who Empowered ISIS." The Intercept (November 15, 2015)

Tillman, Mary. "A Mother's Search for Truth." Word for Word (June 13, 2008) ["In 2004, NFL football star-turned-Army Ranger Pat Tillman was killed in Afghanistan. While the Pentagon initially said Pat Tillman died heroically in an enemy ambush, the military later disclosed what it knew all along: Pat Tillman was shot and killed by his fellow soldiers. Today, his mother Mary says she still doesn't have the full story of how her son died. She's written a new book about her search for answers, Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat Tillman ..."]

The Living Dead (BBC: Adam Curtis, 1995: three 60 minute episodes) ["The Living Dead: Three Films About the Power of the Past is a series of films that investigate the way that history and memory (both national and individual) have been manipulated and distorted by politicians and others for various means of control."]

Prashad, Vijay. "We are in Pitiless Times." Open Democracy (November 15, 2015) ["After Paris, macho language about “pitiless war” defines the contours of leadership. Little else is on offer. It is red meat to our emotions."]

Gosztola, Kevin. "60 Minutes Pushes National Security Propaganda to Cast Snowden, Manning as Traitors." Shadowproof ((November 9< 2015)

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