Pink Flamingos (USA: John Waters, 1972: 93 mins)
Bradley, S.A. "Gag Reflex: The Cinema Crimes of John Waters." Hellbent for Horror #37 (April 7, 2017)
Cunningham, Daniel Mudie. "Great Directors: John Waters." Senses of Cinema (October 2003)
"Divine Trash (John Waters Special)." Naked Lunch #1 (December 7, 2008)
Ebert, Roger. "Pink Flamingos." Chicago Sun-Times (April 11, 1997)
Hunt, Drew. "John Waters' Five Best Films." Chicago Reader (May 10, 2015)
"John Waters." Close Up #5 (November 2014) ["On the occasion of our comprehensive John Waters retrospective in September, Eugene Hernandez sat down with the director at his New York apartment to talk about his career and influences. For this episode, we're happy to present that conversation as well as one between film critic J. Hoberman and the director after a screening of his 1974 film, 'Female Trouble.'"]
Kinsella, Eileen. "John Waters Says "Celebrity Is the Only Obscenity Left in the Art World." Artnet News (January 6, 2015)
Morris, Gary. "Primal Gross-out: Pink Flamingos Restored." Bright Lights Film Journal (December 1, 1998)
Pinkerton, Nick. "Water's World." Art Forum (September 5, 2014)
Schway, Jeffrey and Mink Stole. "I Am Divine." The Production Booth #125 (July 30, 2013) ["Before Lady Gaga or Madonna, Divine broke the rules and pushed boundaries. Bursting onto the scene with John Waters's Pink Flamingos, Divine had a rich career with and without his fellow "Dreamlanders." Director Jeffrey Schwarz explores Divine's life in the new feature documentary, I Am Divine, a remarkable look at an icon. We also chat with Dreamland cast member Mink Stole about Divine and her new CD, Do Re Mink."]
Waters, John. "John Waters is On the Phone." Film Comment Podcast (April 28, 2017) ["On the occasion of Criterion Collection’s home video release of Multiple Maniacs and the publication of the filmmaker’s new book Make Trouble, Violet Lucca chats with John Waters—director, writer, artist, sometime actor (most recently of FX’s Feud: Bette and Joan), and Christmas card sender extraordinaire. Waters talks about the freedom of writing across multiple media, film critic Parker Tyler, his early days abusing zoom lenses and getting arrested for Mondo Trasho, and how his bad taste movement has been folded into the mainstream, from reality television to raunchy Hollywood comedies to the current occupant of the White House."]
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