Once Upon a Time in America (Italy/USA: Sergio Leone, 1984: 229 mins)
Babiak, Peter. "Once Upon a Time in America: Sergio Leone and the Construction of Myth." Cineaction (March 2007): 65-69.
Ebert, Roger. "Once Upon a Time in America." Chicago Sun-Times (January 1, 1984)
Edwards, Dan. "Great Directors: Sergio Leone." Senses of Cinema (October 2002)
Godden, Richard. "Maximizing the Noodles : Class, Memory, and Capital in Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time In America." Journal of American Studies 31.3 (1997): 361-384.
Heldt, Guido. Music and Levels of Narration in Film. Intellect, 2013. ["This is the first book-length study of the narratology of film music, and an indispensable resource for anyone researching or studying film music or film narratology. It surveys the so far piecemeal discussion of narratological concepts in film music studies, and tries to (cautiously) systematize them, and to expand and refine them with reference to ideas from general narratology and film narratology (including contributions from German-language literature less widely known in Anglophone scholarship). The book goes beyond the current focus of film music studies on the distinction between diegetic and nondiegetic music (music understood to be or not to be part of the storyworld of a film), and takes into account different levels of narration: from the extrafictional to ‘focalizations’ of subjectivity, and music’s many and complex movements between them."]
Kwiatkowski, Al and Brad Strauss. "Sergio Leone." Director's Club #125 (March 3, 2017)
Knowles, Dana. "Once Upon a Time in America (1984)." About Film (June 1999)
Martin, Adrian. "Euphoria and Liberating Laughter: The Cinema of Sergio Leone." Projectorhead (1997 / revised and updated July 2011)
---. "Gangsters Without Glory." Once Upon a Time in America. British Film Institute, 1998: excerpt of pages 37-43.
Oliver, James. "Once Upon a Time in America: Leone creates an opera." Film Club (June 27, 2013)
Once Upon a Time in America Critics Round Up (Ongoing Archive)
Reardon, Kyle. "The Operatic Ecstasy of Sergio Leone." Wrong Reel #118 (March 2016)
"Sergio Leone." Director's Club (March 3, 2017)
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