Cade, Octavia. "Women, Monstrosity and Horror: Gynaehorror by Erin Harrington." Strange Horizons (September 18, 2017)
D'anna, Becky, Dave Eves and James Hancock. "Ingmar Bergman and the Trilogy." Wrong Reel #273 (May 2017)
Farrell, Henry. "Revolutionary Possibility." Jacobin (September 2017) ["China Miéville’s October depicts the transformative hope of revolution."]
Hancock, James and Matthias van der Roest. "Don and Clint." Wrong Reel #321 (September 2017)
Jones, Josh. How Can We Know What is True? And What Is BS? Tips from Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman & Michael Shermer." Open Culture (September 22, 2017)
Subissati, Andrea and Alexandra West. "Man Seeking Woman: Audition (1999)." Faculty of Horror #50 (May 26, 2017) ["Takashi Miike created one of the most infamous, beloved and decisive films when he made Audition: a story of people looking for love in all the wrong places that has influenced a generation of filmmakers and terrified audiences all over the world. Andrea and Alex take a deep dive into the international and seemingly universal fears of love, intimacy and what it means to be a 'good girl.'"]
T., Sarah. "The Lens Magnifies, The Mirror Reflects: What Photos From the Race War Shows Us About Ourselves." The Rumpus (September 25, 2017)
Zirin, Dave. "Take the Knee: Athletes Unite in Historic Protest Against Racism & Police Brutality, Defying Trump." Democracy Now (September 25, 2017) ["In the biggest display of athletic defiance in years, football teams across the nation protested President Donald Trump after he attacked the NFL, NBA and some of their most popular athletes for daring to draw attention to racism and police violence. We look at the unprecedented role of political activism among athletes under the Trump presidency and the politics of playing the national anthem at games. We speak with Dr. Harry Edwards, professor emeritus of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of several books, including "The Revolt of the Black Athlete," reissued this year for its 50th anniversary edition. He was the architect of the 1968 Olympic Project for Human Rights and is a longtime staff consultant with the San Francisco 49ers. We’re also joined by Dave Zirin, sports editor for The Nation magazine, who notes that playing the national anthem before games has a long and hallowed history that goes back to the days of "Jersey Shore" and Justin Bieber."]
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