Gemes, Ken. "The Thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche." Philosophy Now #15 (November 8, 2011)
Greenberg, Jon. "Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston." Citizenship and Social Justice (July 10, 2015)
"Who Owns the Media." Free Press (Ongoing Archive)

Baron, Richard, Neil Kellard and Tom Rubens. "Global Capiatalism - Good or Bad?" Philosophy Now #16 (November 15, 2011)
Madrigal, Alexis C. "The Sacrificial Landscape of True Detective." The Atlantic (March 7, 2014)
True Detective (HBO: Nic Pizzolatto, 2014 - ) Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)
Khan, Azmat. "Ghost Students, Ghost Teachers, Ghost Schools." Buzz Feed (July 9, 2015) ["The United States trumpets education as one of its shining successes of the war in Afghanistan. But a BuzzFeed News investigation reveals U.S. claims were often outright lies, as the government peddled numbers it knew to be false and touted schools that have never seen a single student."]
Penn, Arthur. "American Outsiders: The Cinema of Arthur Penn." Pinewood Dialogues (November 11, 1994) ["Bonnie and Clyde, directed by Arthur Penn, was a watershed film that changed the course of American cinema with its playful, reflexive tone, its unflinching depiction of violence, and its sympathetic portrayal of charismatic outlaw heroes. ... the director discussed the critical controversy surrounding the film's release, and the remarkable collaboration that included Warren Beatty as producer and star, and screenwriter Robert Benton. Penn also discusses the art and craft of filmmaking with great insight and detail."]
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