Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Red Rooms (Canada: Pascal Plante, 2024)

 Red Rooms (Canada: Pascal Plante, 2024: 118 mins)

Keogan, Natalie. "“There Is a Bombardment of Violent Images in Our Lives”: Director Pascal Plante on His High-Tech Serial Killer Drama Red Rooms." Filmmaker (October 9, 2024)

Lazer, Kit. "Red Rooms." Letterboxd (September 30, 2024) ["An indictment of the voyeurism and loneliness of our chronically online existence. Our empathy as a species is inversely proportional to our internet speed. We wake up, log on to millions of people around the world, likely succumb to misanthropy or self-loathing, log out. "]

Rubsam, Robert. "The Empire of Ugliness." Liberties (December 2024) ["So what are we doing here, really? One cannot imbibe such diverse, daily horrors and not be made coarser. It has been argued that this presentation dulls us to violent images by making them seem less real, but I think we are experiencing something more akin to a levelling, in which images of violence are made to seem just as banal as all the other images or thoughts we see online, both disarming the violence and infecting the mundane with a violent energy, a tincturing which degrades both at the same time.
We can see these forces everywhere, in the fossil fuel CEOs who consciously destroy our planet, the tech VC billionaires who commit their fortunes to end democracy, the president-elect who promises to make public life hell for all manner of minorities. These are vicious, vindictive people, obsessed with their IQs, who preen over their supposed genetic superiority, yet must purchase a prominence they cannot earn. Leys found them not only in the realm of aesthetics, but even more in ethics: “The need to bring down to our own wretched level, to deface, to deride and debunk any splendour that is towering above us is probably the saddest urge of human nature.” They can destroy whatever is good and beautiful in society, can attack it in others, can push their technologies to the edge, yet they are totally incapable of producing anything but ugliness themselves. It should disturb us that so many identify with and celebrate them. Their empire is everywhere, and we are all stakeholders."]

---. "On Red Rooms and Our Depravity." Required Reading from Liberties (February 3, 2024) 

Shaffer, Marshall. "Pascal Plante on Subverting True Crime Tropes with Red Rooms." Slant (October 4, 2024) ["Plante discusses whether online culture encourages people to hide themselves in society."]

Snow, Philippa. "A Gallery of Severed Hands and Whatnot." Notebook (January 21, 2025) ["Reflections on the adolescent drive to seek out graphic imagery, from early-’00s shock sites to the films of the New French Extremity."]

Spilde, Coleman. "Red Rooms Want to Make You Sick." Top Shelf Low Brow (September 12, 2024)

Thomas, Ande. "Pascal Plante's Red Rooms Challenges Our Fascination with True Crime." What Sleeps Beneath (September 2, 2024)

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