Is the Man Who is Tall Happy? (France: Michel Gondry, 2013: 88 mins)
Ali, Tariq and Noam Chomsky. "Global Politics." The World Tomorrow (June 26, 2012)
Chomsky, Noam. "Activism, Anarchism and Power." Conversations with History (March 2002)
---. "America's Economic Suicide." AlterNet (May 4, 2012)
---. "Anarchism." (1976 interview with Peter Jay posted on YouTube)
---. "Concision in the Media." Manufacturing Consent (1992: reposted on YouTube January 26, 2007)
---. "Democracy and Education"/Language and Politics. Dialogic [Excerpts posted November 29, 2009)
---. "Direct Action, Occupy and the Power of Social Movements." Rochester Red and Black (April 16, 2013)
---. "Education for Whom and What?" Z Communications (February 27, 2012)
---. "The Emerging World Order." Unwelcome Guests #622 (September 22, 2012)
---. "Everyday Anarchist." Modern Success (April 14, 2013)
---. "The Global Economic Crisis, Healthcare, US Foreign Policy and Resistance to American Empire." Democracy Now (April 13, 2009)
---. "Globalization Marches On: Growing popular outrage has not challenged corporate power." Common Dreams (March 26, 2010)
---. "Excerpt from The Kingdom of Survival." (Posted on Youtube: Slowboat Films, 2011)
---. "Language, Politics, and Composition." Journal of Advanced Composition 11.1 (1991)
---. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (Canada/Australia/Finland/Norway: Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick, 1992: 167 mins)
---. "The Occupy Movement to the Arab Spring." On Point (June 11, 2012)
---. "Occupy Wall Street "Has Created Something That Didn’t Really Exist" in U.S. — Solidarity." Democracy Now (May 14, 2012)
---. "On Corporate Personhood." (8 minute video in which he answers a question at a public presentation on April 22, 2011)
---. "On Education & How Manufacturing Consent Brought Attention to East Timor Massacres." Democracy Now (December 3, 2013)
---. "On the Basic Role of (Non-Participatory) Sports." Dialogic (Excerpts of Chomsky quote published in Robert F. Barsky's The Chomsky Effect: November 5, 2009)
---. "On WikiLeaks, Obama’s Targeted Assassinations and Latin America’s Break from the U.S." Democracy Now (May 14, 2012)
---. "Palestinian Hunger Strike a Protest Against "Violations of Elementary Human Rights." Democracy Now (May 14, 2012)
---. "Philosophies of Language and Politics." FORA TV (October 6, 2009)
---. "Propaganda, American Style." Propaganda Review (Winter 1987-88)
---. "The Purpose of Education." (Video posted on YouTube: February 1, 2012)
---. "The State-Corporate Complex: A Threat to Freedom and Survival." Needs No Introduction (April 21, 2011)
---. "There Is Much More To Say" ZNet (May 2011)
---. “This is the Most Remarkable Regional Uprising that I Can Remember” Democracy Now (February 2, 2011)
---. "The Torture Memos: Torture has been routine practice from the early days of the Republic." Z Magazine (June 2009)
---. "US Expansion of Afghan Occupation, the Uses of NATO, and What Obama Should Do in Israel-Palestine." Democracy Now (April 3, 2009)
---. "What the American Media Won't Tell You About Israel." AlterNet (December 3, 2012)
Chomsky, Noam and Robert Trivers. "The anti-war activist and MIT linguist meets the Rutgers evolutionary biologist in the Seed Salon to discuss deceit." (September 6, 2006)
Chomsky, Noam, et al. "Occupy 2.0 (Peer Produced Politics)." Unwelcome Guests (March 10, 2012)
Crowmwell, David and David Edwards. "Snowden, Surveillance And The Secret State." Media Lens (June 28, 2013)
Gondry, Michel. "Animating Noam Chomsky: French Director Michel Gondry on New Film Is the Man Who is Tall Happy?" Democracy Now (December 3, 2013)
Herman, Edward S. and Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent: A Propaganda Model. Pantheon Books, 1988 (Excerpts posted at Third World Traveler)
Marshall, Colin. "Filmmaker Michel Gondry Presents an Animated Conversation with Noam Chomsky." Open Culture (November 25, 2013)
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