Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Harder They Come (Jamaica: Perry Henzell, 1972)

The Harder They Come (Jamaica: Perry Henzell, 1972: 120 mins)

Bursztynski, Maurice, Tim Merrill and Bernard Stickwell. "The Harder They Come." See Hear #30 (July 19, 2016) ["Perry Henzel’s 1972 film, “The Harder They Come” starring reggae superstar, Jimmy Cliff. This film is important in so many respects – it brought Jimmy Cliff to a worldwide audience, it had a brilliant soundtrack, and it was the first Jamaican feature film. Henzel declared he made it for Jamaica, but many people outside Jamaica have embraced it as it encompasses the well used movie theme of fighting back against a corrupt society in all its facets – employers, the recording industry, religion, and the law. Jimmy Cliff plays Ivan, a young naïve country man coming to Kingston hoping to make it in the music industry, but has his dreams crushed at every turn – until he decides to take matters into his own hands, for better or worse. Make no mistake - he is an anti-hero with many failings of his own. Tim, Bernie and Maurice discuss these themes as well the influence it has left on so many other films, music as politics, where the movie fits into the mood of film movement of the day, and whether you can really hold off an entire army with one six-shooter. Tim even suggests a unique ratings system for this movie."]

Casimir, Ulrick. "A question of audience: Revisiting Perry Henzell’s The Harder They Come." Jump Cut #53 (Summer 2011)

Dare, Michael. "The Harder They Come." Current (October 30, 2000)

Gagliano, Rudy, et al. "The Harder They Come: Reggae Catches Fire on Film." MUBI Podcast (April 13, 2023) ["In 1972, director Perry Henzell set a gritty crime thriller in Jamaica's exploding, politically charged music scene, and came up with The Harder They Come —the cult-movie spark that started reggae music's slow burn around the world. Host Rico Gagliano tells the story of a film and a soundtrack that inspired rebels and rockers from the Clash to Willie Nelson. Guests include Henzell's daughter Justine, UK music writer Lloyd Bradley, and Paul Douglas—drummer and bandleader of reggae legends The Maytals."]

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