The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (USA: Francis Lawrence, 2013: 146 mins)
Blatt, Ben. "A Textual Analysis of The Hunger Games." Slate (November 20, 2013)
Fisher, Mark. "Remember Who the Enemy Is." The North Star (November 8, 2013)
Koski, Genevieve, et al. "Battle Royale / Hunger Games Series (Pt. 1)." The Next Picture Show #3 (November 24, 2015) ["With the final installment of the blockbuster YA series THE HUNGER GAMES hitting theaters, we look back to the material many accused HUNGER GAMES author Suzanne Collins of ripping off: 2000's BATTLE ROYALE, a hyper-violent Japanese film adaptation of a hyper-violent manga about kids killing kids in a government-mandated slaughter. In this episode, we get into the many similarities – and many more differences – between the two, as well as BATTLE ROYALE's reputation and place in the larger scope...]
---. "Battle Royale / Hunger Game Series (Pt. 2)." The Next Picture Show (November 24, 2015)
Krule, Miriam. "The Hunger Names." Slate (November 21, 2013)
Morabito, Stella. "The Strange Bedfellow-Politics of The Hunger Games." The Federalist (December 15, 2014) ["How can both the Left and the Right claim ‘The Hunger Games’ movies as their own?']
Prickett, Sarah Nicole. "Teenage Riot." Art Forum (November 22, 2013)
Schippers, Mimi. "Compulsory Monogamy in The Hunger Games." Sociological Images (December 2, 2013)
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