Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Michael Benton: Questions/Thoughts for 10/30/13

In an increasingly globally linked world that still suffers from spiraling incidences of mass violence, destruction, depravation, and detachment, what is the role of the inspired individual who seeks progressive change?

What is the intrinsic value of the "free" person? Where do we seek and gain "authenticity" and/or "autonomy?" How do we go about creating a personal and political ethics?

Is the social push toward conformity and acceptance (of things as they are) inescapable?

So we are flesh and blood individuals (biological/animal), but we also have a higher level of consciousness. Is this a curse or a blessing? Why?

How do we cultivate a citizenry that is willing to recognize and take responsibility for their individual/collective actions? Is this the right goal, to take responsibility, and cultivate response-ability in others, or should we just flee into the safety and comfort of the faceless crowd?

Following the advice of Nietzsche, how would you "become what you are?"

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