Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Johnny Guitar (USA: Nicholas Ray, 1954)

Johnny Guitar (USA: Nicholas Ray, 1954: 110 mins)

Laczkowski, Jim and Sergio Mims. "Nicholas Ray." Director's Club #115 (August 27, 2014)

Longworth, Karina. "Six Degrees of Joan Crawford: The Middle Years (Mildred Pierce to Johnny Guitar)." You Must Remember This (August 29, 2016) ["Joan Crawford struggled through what she called her “middle years,” the period during her 40s before she remade herself from aging, slumping MGM deadweight into a fleet, journeywoman powerhouse who starred in some of the most interesting films about adult womanhood of the 1940s and 1950s. That revival began with Mildred Pierce (for which Crawford won her only Oscar), and included a number of films, such as Daisy Kenyon and Johnny Guitar, directed by men who would later be upheld as auteurs, subversively making personal art within the commercial industry of Hollywood."]

Lucy, Niall. "The Western Suburbs." Screening the Past (October 2013)

McGee, Patrick. From Shane to Kill Bill: Rethinking the Western. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2007.[Professor has copy]

"Miriam Bale (Johnny Guitar)." The Cinephiliacs #16 (April 21, 2013)

Sanjek, David. Johnny Guitar Senses of Cinema #59 (2011)

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