1st Round: warm-up question followed by a word
2nd Round: 3 words in succession for each contestant
3rd Round: Round-robin until we have a winner (keep track of last three - the order they come in)
3 mispelled words and a contestant is out
Pronouncer Information 1. Read carefully the Judges, Recorders, Spellers and Audiences information that is included in the Scripps pronouncers’ guide. 2. Familiarize yourself with all words on the confidential word list. Pronunciation is important. A meeting with the judges to insure pronunciation of words and procedures will be scheduled prior to the Bee beginning. 3. Speak clearly for contestants, judges and audience alike. Grant all requests to repeat a word until the judges agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the speller. You may request the speller to speak more clearly or louder. 4. “Pace” yourself. You need time to focus attention on the pronunciation of the new word and the judges need a few moments between each contestant to do their tasks.
Speller’s Information 1. Each speller needs to focus on the Pronouncer, to aid his or her hearing and understanding of the context of the word. A speller may ask for the word to be repeated, for its use in a sentence, for a definition, for the part of speech, and for the language of origin. 2. Each speller should pronounce the word before and after spelling it. If the speller fails to pronounce the word after spelling it, the judge may ask if they are finished. If they say yes, the judge will remind the speller to remember to repeat the word the next time. (No speller will be eliminated for failing to pronounce a word.) 3. When a speller is at the podium spelling, the next speller should be standing at a marked location ready to proceed to the podium.
197) substitute
198) dotard
199) cryogenic
200) conjunction
201) legerity
202) intrapsychic
203) disparate
204) infanticide
205) salubrious
206) hallelujah
207) farceur
209) gregarious
210) tendentious
211) interdigitate
212) equivocal
213) bellicose
214) visceral
215) apparatchik
216) patrilineal
217) kafkaesque
218) palimpsest
219) oleaginous (The Guardian newspaper called out Donald Trump for his oleaginous teleprompted piety in his scripted response to the Las Vegas shootings)
220) restaurant
221) heterogeneous
222) anathematize
223) bourgeois
224) acrimonious
225) manichaeism
226) euphony
227) portentous
228) pheremone
229) imbroglio (Trump’s Condolence Call to Soldier’s Widow Ignites an Imbroglio — (headline) The New York Times (nytimes.com), 18 Oct. 2017)
230) alfresco
231) praxeology (From a student essay: In the film Cloud Atlas characters act like a springboard to push a praxeology across time, allowing us to see and understand the long-lasting effects of conscious human action)
232) pusillanimous
233) lycanthropy
234) causerie
If you run out of words - go here for previous lists
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