Melancholia (Denmark/Sweden/France/Germany: Lars Von Triers, 2011: 136 mins)
Behrend, Wendy Shanel. "The Birth of Tragedy in Lars von Trier's Melancholia." (University Honors Theses. Paper 197: Portland State University, 2014)
Bond, Lewis. "Lars von Trier: Deconstructing Cinema." (Posted on Youtube: July 23, 2016)
Grusin, Richard. "Post-Cinematic Atavism." Sequence 1.3 (2014)
Hollowell, Jenny. "The End of the End: An Evolution of Faith, in Five Films." Bright Wall/Dark Room #9 (March 29, 2016)
Leeds, David. "Melancholia." A Husk of Meaning (December 13, 2011)
Matts, Tim and Aidan Tynan. "The Melancholy of Extinction: Lars von Trier's Melancholia as an Environmental Film." MC 15.3 (2012)
O'Malley, Sheila. "Melancholia: Lars von Trier makes a despairing gesture, and this time he has a point." Politico (September 26, 2011)
Read, Rupert. "An Allegory of a ‘Therapeutic’ Reading of a Film: Of Melancholia." Sequence 1.2 (2014)
Renée, V. "Cinematic Depression: How Lars von Trier Distorts Time & Space in Melancholia."No Film School (April 9, 2016)
Power, Nina and Rob White. Lars von Trier's Melancholia: A Discussion." Film Quarterly (January 10, 2012)
Scott, A.O. "Bride's Mind is On Another Planet." The New York Times (November 10, 2011)
Shaviro, Steven. "Melancholia or, The Romantic Anti-Sublime." Sequence 1.1 (2012)
Sinnerbrink, Robert. "Politics, Theory and Film: Critical Encounters with Lars von Trier." Contemporary Political Theory 17.1 (February 2018)
White, Rob. "Interview with Manuel Alberto Claro." Film Quarterly 65.4 (Summer 2012)
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