Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Resources for January 15, 2014

Michael Parenti is featured on Smells Like Human Spirit: "Dr. Michael Parenti on the ‘Make-Believe Media’" -- "In this interview, he discusses the use of entertainment media as propaganda, and the relationship between government agencies and the production of such content. Later on in the talk, Dr. Parenti also provides his take on the media’s coverage of the Obama Administration’s escalating use of drones, and the recent death of Margaret Thatcher."

Stork, Mattias. "Space-Wars: Mapping the Aesthetics of Post-Cinematic City Space in Action Films and Video Games." Mediascape (Fall 2013)

Sabo, Lee Weston. "Abnormal Intelligence: Sam Fell and Chris Butler's ParaNorman." Bright Lights Film Journal #82 (November 2013)

Dima, Vlad. "Buried Alive in Space The Non-Story of Gravity." Bright Lights Film Journal (November 2013)

I am an imaginative existentialist-anarchist that feels that this video humorously gets to the heart of cat ennui, but also the anguish of the individual in a conforming society that restricts their ability to fully realize their autonomy

Dinner last night from a recipe on Just One Cookbook: "Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) オムライス"

Signs I Can No Longer Avoid
by Wesley Houp

Only the gasping crow
in Wendy’s parking lot
cares less for himself.

His murder leaves him to a last meal
and rides out the storm nearby
in a dead locust
like old snags of black plastic
left by a flood,
half notes on the staff
of an apocalypse.

The tornado touches down
in a blind-spot
and uproots a dusty barn
full of retired pigeons
with no insurance.
They circle twice
and return to roost in the ruins.

A long, harsh winter
followed by a cold, dry spring
wilts the crocus-tips of dreams.
Behind the urgent treatment center
a stray cat licks grease out of some ashes.

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