Sunday, June 29, 2014

Resources for June 29, 2014

"I'm So Excited" Critics Round Up (2013)

Hachard, Thomas. "Best Child Performances: The best performances by young actors in 2013 expressed the vulnerability, turmoil, and sometimes even joyful thrill of youth." Keyframe (December 29, 2013)

Kuersten, Erich. "The Animus Variations (CinemArchetype #3) - the Daemon Lover." Acidemic (February 1, 2012)

Cinema Sound 2013 by Samsmyth on Mixcloud

Smalley, G. "Altered States (1980)." 366 Weird Movies (July 24, 2010)

Weide, Robert. "On His Documentary about Kurt Vonnegut." Lapham's Quarterly #62 (May 21, 2014)

Merriam-Webster's Word-of-the-Day

chivy \CHIV-ee\

verb 1 : to tease or annoy with persistent petty attacks; 2: to move or obtain by small maneuvers


She watched her little brother as he chivied an olive from the jar with his fingers.

"After chivvying a batch [of whirligig beetles] into a food storage box, Lemann, manager of animal and visitor programs [at the Audubon Insectarium], sniffed his fingers. The beetles emit a chemical to deter predators, but they're no stink bugs: 'It smells like sour apple candy. I love it.'" — Janet McConnaughey, Associated Press State and Local Wire, October 8, 2012

"Chivy," which is also spelled "chivvy," became established in our language in the early 20th century and at first meant "to harass or chase." Early usage examples are of people chivying a chicken around to catch it and of a person chivying around food that is frying. The word itself is from the British noun of the same spelling meaning "chase" or "hunt." The noun is believed to be derived from "Chevy Chase"—a term for "chase" or "confusion" that is taken from the name of a ballad describing the 1388 battle of Otterburn between the Scottish and English. (A "chase" in this context is an unenclosed tract of land in England that is used as a game preserve.)

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