"50+ Films about Women That Will Change The Way You See The World." Films for Action (August 4, 2015)
Ackerman, Galia, et al. "My Body My Message: Women’s Bodies as Tools of Self-Empowerment." Making Contact (July 8, 2015) ["The female body as medium, and as message. How can a woman determine how she is perceived by the world, and even by herself? On this edition, we hear stories of women who are using their bodies for political protest, and as tools of self-empowerment…forcing everyone to reevaluate their perspectives on the female form."]
Adams, John Joseph, Tobias Buckell and Sam J. Miller. "Is Sense8 Too Radical for Critics?" Wired (July 6, 2015)
Ahmad, Aalya. "Feminist Spaces in Horrific Places: Teaching Gender and Horror Cinema." Offscreen 18.6/7 (July 2014)
"Andrea Štaka's Cure - The Life of Another." Notebook (august 4, 2015)
"A Pantheon of One’s Own: 25 Female Film Critics Worth Celebrating." Sight and Sound (March 8, 2015)
Ataide, Jesse. "Half the Sky: Women Auteurs I." Keyframe (March 23, 2012)
---. "Half the Sky: Women Auteurs II." Keyframe (March 30, 2012)
---. "Half the Sky: Women Auteurs III." Keyframe (April 6, 2012)
Bale, Miriam. "Johnny Guitar." The Cinephiliacs (April 21, 2013)
Barnes, Henry. "Cannes faces backlash after women reportedly barred from film screening for not wearing high heels." The Guardian (May 19, 2015)
Bechdel Test Fest
Benedict, Steven. "Mad Max: Fury Road." (Audio: May 16, 2015) [Highights the role of Eve Ensler in the development of the film]
Berman, Judy. "It’s Pointless to Argue Over Whether a Film — or Any Work of Art — Is Feminist." Flavorwire (November 14, 2013)
---. "What Dogme 95 Did for Women Directors." The Dissolve (April 22, 2015)
Bernstein, Paula. "Oscar Winner Laura Poitras on How Field of Vision Will Change Documentary Filmmaking." IndieWire (September 10, 2015)
Blue, Violet, et al. "Be an Expert." Popaganda (July 30, 2015) ["In all kinds of ways, race and gender impact the way we present ourselves as knowledgable. You see it everywhere: from the way boys are more likely to speak up in classrooms to the way men are way more likely to be quoted as “experts” in print media or asked to be voices of authority on TV. A recent analysis of Sunday morning TV news shows by Media Matters showed that 61 percent of expert guests were white men. So on today’s show, we have three stories about women who are screwing around with the idea of what’s an expert. The women on this show are all putting themselves forward as experts—sometimes requiring actual imposter situations. We talk with Laura Nix, the co-director of the new documentary The Yes Men Are Revolting about how she captures the activist group's media stunts on camera. Then, comedians Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin discuss being fake advice experts to dish out genuine comedy. The show ends with journalist Violet Blue, author of The Smart Girls' Guide to Privacy, about how to be an expert on your internet privacy."]
Borstein, Alex, et al. "Hollywood's Missing Directors." Popaganda (June 4, 2015) ["We start off this episode by talking with a lawyer from the ACLU (which recently issued a letter calling for government agencies to investigate Hollywood hiring practices) and talk with filmmaker Destri Martino, who launched The Director List—a brand-new database of hundreds of female directors. We hear from filmmaker Christina Choe about what it’s like to work on indie movies—including her current film Nancy—and from producer, writer, and actress Alex Borstein about her long career working within Hollywood writers' rooms. Plus: the best of Shit People Say to Women Directors."]
Brown, Adrienne Maree and Walida Amarisha. "Decolonizing the Mind." GRITtv (Posted on Youtube: April 21, 2015)
Buckley, Cara. "A.C.L.U., Citing Bias Against Women, Wants Inquiry Into Hollywood’s Hiring Practices." The New York Times (May 13, 2015)
Burchett, William, Brian Risselada and Josh Ryan. "Claire Denis." Syndrome and a Cinema #3 (October 17, 2011) ["On this episode we talk about Claire Denis, a highly-regarded contemporary French filmmaker who has made waves with films such as Beau travail and White Material. In particular we look at her films Chocolat (1988), Beau travail (1999) and Trouble Every Day (2001)."]
Burks, Raychell, et al. "Women of Science." Popaganda (May 8, 2015)
Chemaly, Soraya. "10 Words Every Girl Should Learn." Films for Action (March 24, 2015)
Child, Ben. "Maggie Gyllenhaal: At 37 I was 'too old' for role opposite 55-year-old man." The Guardian (May 21, 2015)
Claire Denis: The Art of Seduction Reverse Shot (June 26, 2009-July 16, 2009)
Colau, Ada. "From Occupying Banks to City Hall: Meet Barcelona’s New Mayor Ada Colau." Democracy Now (June 5, 2015)
Cotillard, Marion. "On Her career and Her Roles in Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's Two Days One Night and James Gray's The Immigrant." The Close-Up #8 (December 2014)
Coyle, Jake. "Amid Male Landscape of 'Mad Max,' Charlize Theron Dominates." ABC (May 14, 2015)
Criado-Perez, Caroline. "Do it Like a Woman: Contemporary feminist activism and How You Can Change the World." London School of Economics and Political Science (June 3, 2015)
Cronin, Sarah. "Attenberg: Interview with Athina Rachel Tsangari." Electric Sheep (September 1, 2011)
Cronk, Jordan. "Kelly Reichardt: Genres, Geographies and the Evolution of a Filmmaker." Keyframe (March 4, 2014) ["Where Reichardt’s latest, an elaborate tale of radicalism, eco-terrorism, guilt and paranoia, fits."]
Davis, Peter. "When Hollywood Wasn’t So Male." The Nation (February 11, 2015)
Denis, Claire. "In Dialogue with Eric Hynes." (Posted on Youtube: July 15, 2013) ["Claire Denis joins writer/critic Eric Hynes in a discussion of her creative process, influences, and the films she's made over the course of some 25 years."]
Derr, Holly L. "What Really Makes a Film Feminist?" The Atlantic (November 13, 2013)
"Diminished Lives." Cineaste (Summer 2015)
Directed by Women (Website)
Dirik, Dilar, et al. "Stateless Democracy: The Revolution in Rojava Kurdistan." (New World Academy posted on Vimeo: October 21, 2014) ["The fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has often been portrayed as a fight between the West and its Arab allies against Islamic ultra-fundamentalists. Over the last several years, however, a progressive Kurdish-led resistance has been forming in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) amidst the Syrian Civil War. The resistance has successfully implemented new models of grassroots democracy, gender equality, and sustainable ecology, its members practicing a political project they refer to as Democratic Confederalism. Women and men stand side-by-side in its armed forces in the face of both ISIS and the Bashar al-Assad regime. Despite the resistance’s efforts, Rojava is currently threatened by a massacre, and the international community continues to stand by silently as tragedy unfolds."]
Dockterman, Eliana. "Vagina Monologues Writer Eve Ensler: How Mad Max: Fury Road Became a ‘Feminist Action Film.’" Time (May 7, 2015)
Faleiro, Sonia. "India's Daughter review – this film does what the politicians should be doing." The Guardian (March 5, 2015)
Friedrichs, Ellen. "3 Well-Meaning Assumptions About Women You Never Realized Were Sexist." Everday Feminism (May 4, 2015)
Goldberg, Michelle. "The Laura Kipnis Melodrama." The Nation (March 16, 2015)
Grady, Pam. "French Touch: Mia Hansen-Løve and Eden." Keyframe (June 17, 2015)
Gravely, Brittany. "To the Beat of Shirley Clarke." Harvard Film Archive (March 2015)
Gross, Anisse. "Mary Harron [Screenwriter, Director]." The Believer (March/April 2014)
Harvey, Dennis. "DAISIES’ Chain: Czech New Wave High Points." Keyframe (June 7, 2012) ["A Pacific Film Archive series with two Věra Chytilová classics highlights an unforgettable era."]
Hill, Erin and Brian Hu. "In Response to the AFI: Top 100 American Films by Women Directors." Mediascape (Spring 2007)
hooks, bell. "The Oppositional Gaze." Black Looks: Race and Representation South End Press, 1992: 115-131.
Hrapkowicz, Błażej. "Kelly Reichardt: Ambiguities." Ketframe (March 5, 2014) ["On bad dreams, political predicaments and fine lines: a master filmmaker speaks on her new project."]
Hudson, David. “Agnès Varda in California.” Keyframe (August 17, 2015)
---. "Věra Chytilová, 1929 – 2014." Keyframe (March 12, 2014) ["Best known for DAISIES (1966), Chytilová was a major figure in Czech cinema."]
India's Daughter (UK/India: Leslee Udwin, 2014: 64 mins)
Jaising, Shakti. "Cinema and Neoliberalism: Network Form and the Politics of Connection in Icíar Bollaín’s Even the Rain." Jump Cut #56 (Winter 2014/2015)
Jelincic, Stela. "Celebrating the Six Percent: Women Filmmakers." Keyframe (March 2, 2015)
Kent, Jennifer. "Babadook." Final Cut (January 1, 2015)
Kolb, Leigh. "Advantageous Is a Dystopian Sci-Fi About All-Too-Real Beauty Standards." Bitch (July 9, 2015)
Langill, Molly. "‘Mad Women’ in Robert Altman’s 3 Women and Images." Offscreen 18.8 (August 2014)
"Laura Poitras." Close Up #2 (October 2014) ["Laura Poitras talks CITIZENFOUR, Edward Snowden, the NSA, and surveilance, at one of our HBO Directors Dialogues during the 52nd New York Film Festival."]
LaVelle, Ciara, et al. "Mad Men and the Advertising Age." Popaganda (April 23, 2015)
Lee, Kevin B. "Essential Viewing: Claire Denis on 35 Shots of Rum." Keyframe (August 9, 2011)
Leigh, Jennifer Jason. "Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle." Pinewood Dialogues (November 23, 1994) ["Jennifer Jason Leigh is remarkable for her chameleon-like ability to transform herself, physically and psychologically, for each of her roles. Her ability to inhabit her characters comes from an intensive process of preparation and research, and from a fearlessness that allows her to abandon her reflective personality and become another person onscreen. Leigh has consistently sought out risky, interesting roles, working for such directors as Robert Altman, David Cronenberg, and Alan Rudolph. She spoke at the Museum on the day she received rave reviews for her dazzling portrayal of Dorothy Parker in Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle."]
Lenten, Jessica. "Phenomenology and the films of Andrea Arnold." Real/Reel (August 1, 2012)
Littman, Sam. "Great Directors: Kelly Reichardt." Senses of Cinema (June 2014)
Longworth, Karina. "Veronica Lake (Dead Blondes Episode 4)." You Must Remember This (February 20, 2017) ["Veronica Lake had the most famous hairdo of the 1940s, if not the twentieth century. Her star turn in Preston Sturges’ Sullivan’s Travels and her noir pairings with Alan Ladd made her Paramount’s biggest wartime draw behind Hope and Crosby, but behind the scenes, Lake was a loner with a drinking problem who didn’t give an F about Hollywood etiquette. Bankrupt and without a studio contract, in the early 1950s she consciously quit movies. She claimed she left Hollywood to save her own life -- so how did she end up dead at 50?"]
Lowin, Rebekah. "Mom's powerful photos of her daughters show 'Strong is the New Pretty.'" Today (April 7, 2015)
MacLean, Nancy. The American Women's Movement, 1945-2000 MacMillan, 2009. [Professor has a copy]
May, Elaine and Mike Nichols. "Mike Nichols, Part 1." Close Up #6a (December 2014) ["In this special two-part episode of The Close-Up, we pay tribute to the late Mike Nichols. For Part 1, we present a conversation between Mike Nichols and Elaine May after a screening of May's "Ishtar" here at the Film Society of Lincoln Center in 2006."]
Mayer, Sophie. "'She's getting back in the frame': Interview with Céline Sciamma." The F Word (May 5, 2015)
McCahill, Mike. "21st Century Directors You Need to Know About: Andrea Arnold." Movie Mail (February 27, 2014)
Mesle, Sarah. "'High Sparrow': Cersei Lannister’s Last F–ckable Day." LA Review of Books (April 26, 2015)
Mirk, Sarah. "Female Film Directors Put Together a List of Must-See Movies Made By Women." Bitch (July 8, 2015)
Mulvey, Laura. "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema." Feminist Film Theory ed. Sue Thornham. NYU Press, 1999: 58-69.
---. ""Afterthoughts on 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema." Feminist Film Theory ed. Sue Thronham. New York University Press, 1999: 122–30.
Murray, Terri and Anja Steinbauer. "Feminist Film Theory." Philosophy Now #7 (September 13, 2011)
"My Reaction to Mad Max: Fury Road and the Utter Perfection that is Imperator Furiosa." NOSPOCKDASGAY@TUMBLR.COM (May 19, 2015)
Nastasi, Alison. "50 Essential Feminist Films." Flavorwire (July 18, 2014)
---. "50 Groundbreaking Female Film Artists We’re Thankful For." Flavorwire (November 25, 2014)
Nehme, Farran Smith. "Three Strangers." The Cinephiliacs #^ (October 21, 2012)
Panda, Robo. "Men’s Rights Activist Site Calls For A Boycott Of Mad Max: Fury Road." Uproxx (May 13, 2015)
Pate, SooJin. "More Than Words: Microaggressions." Sociological Cinema (March 2, 2014)
"Patrizia von Brandenstein." Moving Image Sources (October 15, 1994) ["When we comment on the look of a movie, or on the beautiful cinematography, we are often commenting on what the production designer, working with the director and cinematographer, has put there to be photographed. Legendary designer Patrizia von Brandenstein has shown a remarkable range, from the period settings of Ragtime and Billy Bathgate to the swank Manhattan interiors of Six Degrees of Separation to the weather-beaten and far less sumptuous interiors of Leap of Faith and Silkwood. In this presentation, von Brandenstein leads the audience through sequences from her work, and lucidly defines the art of production design."]
Pinn, Marcus, Brian Risselda and Josh Ryan. "Kelly Reichardt." Syndrome and a Cinema #11 (June 28, 2014)
Pulver, Andrew. "Films that pass the Bechdel test plummet in 2014." The Guardian (March 24, 2015) ["The number of films featuring positive depictions of women has dropped significantly, according to new research."]
Rahbar, Jean. "U.S. ambivalence about torture: an analysis of post-9/11 films." Jump Cut #56 (Winter 2014/2015)
Rapold, Nicholas. "An Audience for Free Spirits in a Closed Society." The New York Times (July 1, 2012)
---."Chantal Akerman Takes Emotional Path in Film About 'Maman'." The New York Times (August 6, 2015)
Rhodes, John David. "Great Directors: Peggy Ahwesh." Senses of Cinema (December 2003)
Richter, Nicole. "Filming the Impossible: An Interview with Catherine Breillat." Reverse Shot (May 19, 2015)
Risselada, Brian and Josh Ryan. "Larissa Sheptiko." Syndromes and Cinema #8 (March 29, 2014) ["On this episode we talk about the films of Ukrainian born director Larisa Shepitko. In particular we look at her films Homeland of Electricity which is half of the film The Onset Of An Unknown Age (1967), You and Me (1971) and The Ascent (1977)."]
Rirch, Katey. "Take This Waltz." The Cinephiliacs (December 16, 2012)
Rogers, Nathaniel. "Women's Pictures - Agnes Varda's Le Bonheur." The Film Experience (June 19, 2015)
Romney, Jonathan. "Away from the picture: Mica Levi on her Under the Skin soundtrack." Sight and Sound (November 28, 2014)
---. "The stars of Girlhood: ‘Our poster is all over Paris, with four black faces on it…’" The Guardian (March 4, 2014)
Selby, Jenn. "Mad Max heroine Charlize Theron on female roles in Hollywood: 'You're either a really good mother, or a really good hooker.'" The Independent (May 15, 2015)
Silverstein, Melissa. "Infographic: Cannes Women Filmmakers By the Numbers 2005-2015 #SeeHerNow." Women and Hollywood (May 6, 2015)
---. "Statistics on the State of Women and Hollywood." Women and Hollywood (February 23, 2014)
Smith, Valerie. "Reconstituting the Image: The Emergent Black Woman Director." Callaloo 37 (Autumn 1988): 709-719.
Tatarska, Anna. "The Making of Vilva 3.0." Keyframe (July 14, 2015) ["Ulrike Zimmerman: ‘People are afraid of female sexuality. Everyone. Even the women themselves.’"]
Taubin, Amy. "Like a Hurricane: The Diary of a Teenage Girl boldly goes where no American coming-of-age movie has gone before." Film Comment (July/August 2015)
Taylor, Astra. "On the Unschooled Life." Walker Art Center (Posted on Youtube: November 4, 2009) ["Raised by independent-thinking bohemian parents, Taylor was unschooled until age 13. Join the filmmaker as she shares her personal experiences of growing up home-schooled without a curriculum or schedule, and how it has shaped her educational philosophy and development as an artist."]
Taylor, Ella. "Blow-Up: Bechdel Testing …. 1, 2." Keyframe (May 26, 2015) ["The larger question is, should we be trying to influence or legislate how many or what kind of women characters go into a movie?"]
Telaroli, Gina. "Brigadoon." The Cinephiliacs #23 (July 28, 2013)
Temple, Emily. "15 Essays by Female Writers That Everyone Should Read." Flavorwire (February 11, 2013)
Townes, Carimah. "Why Netflix Shouldn’t Care If White Men Watch Its Newest Sci-Fi Series." Think Progress (July 8, 2015)
Vasseur, Flore. "The Woman Who Hacked Hollywood." Backchannel (March 2015) ["Laura Poitras’ name was once on terror watch lists. Now it’s on an Oscar. Here’s her personal journey."]
Warne, Jude. "Ben Kingsley and Company on Learning to Drive." Film International (September 6, 2015)
Watercutter, Angela. "Ex Machina has a Serious Fembot Problem." Wired (April 9, 2015)
Wilde, Olivia. "Social Justice and the Portrayal of Women in the Media." (GRITtv posted on Youtube: February 12, 2015)
Williams, Linda. "Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Excess." Film Quarterly 44.4 (Summer, 1991): 2-13.
Women and Gender Studies Open Education Consortium (Archive of courses available online with resources)
!Women Art Revolution (USA: Lynn Hershman-Leeson, 2010: 83 mins)
"The Women of the Avant-Garde: An Introduction Featuring Audio by Gertrude Stein, Kathy Acker, Patti Smith & More." Open Culture (August 5, 2015)
Yue, Genvieve. "The 17th Geneviève McMillan - Reba Stewart Fellow: Mati Diop." Harvard Film Archive (February 2015)
“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it’s true I’m here, and I’m just as strange as you.” -- Frida Kahlo

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