Friday, August 14, 2015

Resources for August 14, 2015

"Diminished Lives." Cineaste (Summer 2015)

Peaceful Stoner. "Ex Machina." Letterboxd (August 13, 2015)

Blue, Violet, et al. "Be an Expert." Popaganda (July 30, 2015) ["In all kinds of ways, race and gender impact the way we present ourselves as knowledgable. You see it everywhere: from the way boys are more likely to speak up in classrooms to the way men are way more likely to be quoted as “experts” in print media or asked to be voices of authority on TV. A recent analysis of Sunday morning TV news shows by Media Matters showed that 61 percent of expert guests were white men. So on today’s show, we have three stories about women who are screwing around with the idea of what’s an expert. The women on this show are all putting themselves forward as experts—sometimes requiring actual imposter situations. We talk with Laura Nix, the co-director of the new documentary The Yes Men Are Revolting about how she captures the activist group's media stunts on camera. Then, comedians Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin discuss being fake advice experts to dish out genuine comedy. The show ends with journalist Violet Blue, author of The Smart Girls' Guide to Privacy, about how to be an expert on your internet privacy."]

Kalmár, György. "Inhabiting post-communist spaces in Nimród Antal’s Kontroll." Jump Cut #56 (Fal/Winter 2015)

Ex Machina (UK: Alex Garland, 2015: 108 mins) Dialogic Cinephilia (Ongoing Archive)

Lund, Carson. "Orson Welles, Part One." Harvard Film Archive (January 2015)

Yue, Genvieve. "The 17th Geneviève McMillan - Reba Stewart Fellow: Mati Diop." Harvard Film Archive (February 2015)

Pendleton, David. "The Complete Robert Altman." Harvard Film Archive (June 2015)

Krauss, Lawrence M. "Why Hollywood Thinks Atheism Is Bad for Business." The New Yorker (March 5, 2014)

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