Halloween (USA: John Carpenter, 1978: 91 mins)
Blyth, Mike, et al. "Slashers, Pt. 1: An Introduction." The Evolution of Horror (September 8, 2017) ["This week Mike is joined by BFI Programmer Michael Blyth and film collective 'The Final Girls' to discuss the tropes, the peaks and the troughs of the slasher sub genre. What makes the slasher one of the most successful horror sub-genres? Why do we love watching endless Jason or Freddy sequels, when they all pretty much follow the same formula? And is there anything feminist about a sub-genre which celebrates and fetishises the dismemberment of pretty teenage girls?"]
Collins, David W. "Halloween: The Music." The Soundtrack Show (October 3, 2018) ["In just three days, director and film composer John Carpenter wrote a classic horror film score. Go behind the scenes and hear the story of how it all came together. We'll also analyze the music, and talk about why it still scares us decades later."]
Fichera, Blake and James Hancock. "John Carpenter, Horror Master." Wrong Reel #272 (May 29, 2017)
Hewitt, Chris, Mike Muncer and Jacob Stolworthy. "Slasher Pt. 5: Halloween (1978)." The Evolution of Horror (October 13, 2017)
---. "HALLOWEEN (1978) - A 10-Step Deconstruction of Carpenter's Secret Recipe." Acidemic (October 22, 2022)
Loudermilk, A. "Last to Leave the Theater: Sissy Spectatorship of Stalker Movies and the "Final Girls" Who Survive Them." Bright Lights Film Journal #78 (November 2012)
McKena, Steph, et al. "Teen Horror 03: Halloween (1978)." The Final Girls (September 24, 2021) ["In this episode, podcaster Steph McKenna joins us for a discussion on John Carpenter and Debra Hill's daddy of slasher films, Halloween. We go deep on Laurie Strode and the final girl, what makes Michael Myers so scary, the musical stylings of Mr. Carpenter and so much more."]
McKeown, Jillian Mae and Michael Glover Smith. "He Said/She Said Director Profile: John Carpenter." White City Cinema (August 13, 2012)
Loudermilk, A. "Last to Leave the Theater: Sissy Spectatorship of Stalker Movies and the "Final Girls" Who Survive Them." Bright Lights Film Journal #78 (November 2012)
McKena, Steph, et al. "Teen Horror 03: Halloween (1978)." The Final Girls (September 24, 2021) ["In this episode, podcaster Steph McKenna joins us for a discussion on John Carpenter and Debra Hill's daddy of slasher films, Halloween. We go deep on Laurie Strode and the final girl, what makes Michael Myers so scary, the musical stylings of Mr. Carpenter and so much more."]
McKeown, Jillian Mae and Michael Glover Smith. "He Said/She Said Director Profile: John Carpenter." White City Cinema (August 13, 2012)
Muncer, Mike, et al. "Slashers, Pt. 14: Conclusion." Evolution of Horror (December 15, 2017)
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