Under the Skin (UK/USA/Switzerland: Jonathan Glazer, 2013: 108 mins)
Booker, M. Keith. "UNDER THE SKIN (2013, Directed by Jonathan Glazer)." Comments on Culture (ND)
Bradley, S.A. "Shut Up and Watch the Movie (Part Two)." Hellbent for Horror #44 (June 19, 2017)
Constable, Catherine. "Under the Skin: Cosmology and Individuation." Movie #7 (2017): 31 - 34.
Eggert, Brian. "Under the Skin." Deep Focus Review (April 12, 2014)
Francis, Marc. "Splitting the difference: On the queer-feminist divide in Scarlett Johansson’s recent body politics." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
Gorfinkel, Elena. "Sex, Sensation and Non-Human Interiority in Under the Skin." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
Herzog, Amy. "Star Vehicle: Labor and Corporeal Traffic in Under the Skin." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
Hilderbrand, Lucas. "Loving the Alien: Introduction to Dossier on Under the Skin." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
---. "On the Matter of Blackness in Under the Skin." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
Lack, Jonathan R. "Absolute Contingencies: The Double Life of Veronique, Under the Skin, Proteus, and the Wonder of Internalizing Art." Fade to Lack (May 7, 2014)
Meek, Tom. "Women Who Prey." The Rumpus (April 18, 2014)
O'Brien, Geoffrey. "Ways of Being Alien." The New York Review of Books (May 9, 2014)
Puschak, Evan. "Under the Skin: The Pain of Art House Films." (Posted on Youtube: July 14, 2014)
Robson, Leo. "Scarlett Johansson in Under the Skin: 'Prick her and she doesn't bleed.'" The Guardian (March 15, 2014)
Sachs, Ben. "From Mamma Roma to Mamma Alien." The Chicago Reader (April 16, 2014)
Seitz, Matt Zoller. "Under the Skin." Roger Ebert (April 4, 2014)
Tafoya, Scout. "The Post-Punk Cinema Manifesto: Side A." and "The Post-Punk Cinema Manifesto: Side B." Vimeo (2017)
"Under the Skin." Asylum (ND) [List of unique special effects made for the film.]
Bradley, S.A. "Shut Up and Watch the Movie (Part Two)." Hellbent for Horror #44 (June 19, 2017)
Constable, Catherine. "Under the Skin: Cosmology and Individuation." Movie #7 (2017): 31 - 34.
Eggert, Brian. "Under the Skin." Deep Focus Review (April 12, 2014)
Herzog, Amy. "Star Vehicle: Labor and Corporeal Traffic in Under the Skin." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
---. "On the Matter of Blackness in Under the Skin." Jump Cut #57 (Fall 2016)
Lack, Jonathan R. "Absolute Contingencies: The Double Life of Veronique, Under the Skin, Proteus, and the Wonder of Internalizing Art." Fade to Lack (May 7, 2014)
O'Brien, Geoffrey. "Ways of Being Alien." The New York Review of Books (May 9, 2014)
Puschak, Evan. "Under the Skin: The Pain of Art House Films." (Posted on Youtube: July 14, 2014)
Rizov, Vadim. "Under the Skin and the Problem with the Adjective Kubrickian." Filmmaker (April 28, 2014)
Sachs, Ben. "From Mamma Roma to Mamma Alien." The Chicago Reader (April 16, 2014)
Seitz, Matt Zoller. "Under the Skin." Roger Ebert (April 4, 2014)
Tafoya, Scout. "The Post-Punk Cinema Manifesto: Side A." and "The Post-Punk Cinema Manifesto: Side B." Vimeo (2017)
"Under the Skin." Asylum (ND) [List of unique special effects made for the film.]
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