Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (USA: Michel Gondry, 2004)


The feverish imaginations of DIY surrealist Gondry and screenwriter Charlie Kaufman kick into overdrive for the great gonzo sci-fi romance of the early 2000s. When nice guy dweeb Joel (Jim Carrey) encounters blue-haired spitfire Clementine (Kate Winslet) on the LIRR, there’s a spark of attraction, but also something familiar— almost as if they’ve met before… Cue a ping-ponging, time- and space-collapsing journey through memory and a star-crossed love gone sour. Kuras’s high-contrast handheld camerawork enhances the whiplash sense of disorientation in what is, ultimately, a heart-wounding parable about the ways in which we inevitably hurt those we love most. -- The Female Gaze (2018)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (USA: Michel Gondry, 2004: 108 mins)

Dzialo, Chris. "'Frustrated Time' Narration: The Screenplays of Charlie Kaufman." Puzzle Films: Complex Storytelling in Contemporary Cinema. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009: 107-128. [BCTC Library: PN1995 P89 2009]

Falzon, Christopher. "Philosophy Through Film." International Encyclopedia of Philosophy (August 12, 2013)

Kozak, Oktay Ege, Erik McClanahan and Ryan Oliver. "Lost in Charlie Kaufman’s Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind & Adaptation." Over/Under Movies (June 20, 2016)

Kumar, Chaitanya. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." This Movie Changed Me (March 6, 2018) ["If you could, would you erase memories of past lovers? This idea is at the heart of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Chaitanya Kumar says he wouldn't. Still, the movie made him rethink the way we experience and remember love."]

Shaw, Daniel. Film and Philosophy: Taking Movies Seriously. NY: Wallflower, 2008. [BCTC Library]

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